Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Sync between two TVs in home
I have Kodi installed on two TV's in my home using FireTV on both. Is there a way to synchronize both Kodi/FireTV so the content is the same, instead of manually syncing each?
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You can use MySQL (or MariaDB) to have a shared database. It does require a third device that is on all the time.  Note, the wiki calls the feature experimental, but it's been in Kodi for quite some time. I do agree that it's an advanced thing, but I personally wouldn't call it experimental.
(2021-01-23, 18:52)pkscout Wrote: You can use MySQL (or MariaDB) to have a shared database. It does require a third device that is on all the time.  Note, the wiki calls the feature experimental, but it's been in Kodi for quite some time. I do agree that it's an advanced thing, but I personally wouldn't call it experimental.

Thank you PKSCOUT!

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Sync between two TVs in home0