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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod
Which weather addon do you advise? Under Leia I'm using Open Weather, but Open Weather is not available for Matrix or not Matrix ready yet.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I use Multi Weather from the Kodi Repo on Matrix.
Thanks, I've followed your advise and I got it to work by entering my Weatherbit and OpenWeather API credentials.

I suppose, you're using your Yahoo credentials? Does the 36H and weekend forecast work on your side? Or does none of the weather services mentioned above provide this information anymore?
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I'm only using Weatherbit for my weather data. Nothing showing for me on 36 hours or weekend either. I may need to remove those from the weather list.

I'm about to post an update for all the skins with a new animated image option for music.
Good idea. I'm currently translating the Multi Weather addon into Dutch.

I've received the update message Wink

One thing that always annoys me, is the following. I often switch skins. From AeonMQ to Estuary and vice versa. When I revert back to AeonMQ I always have to set the font to Cyrillic instead of Arial.

I'll probably have to adjust the default font setting somewhere. If so can you point me to the correct location please?
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

UPDATE #6 - This will update the skin to v1.0.0.6

Image Additions
  • I added a background to the stream details so they are easier to read. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!
  • I added a setting to the music viz settings to let you show/hide the furniture when accessing the OSD.
  • I added code to display animated images for your artists or albums. Thanks to manfeed for the code and the info on how to implement it. (Follow the link to see how to add the settings to advancedsettings.xml. Check page 2 of the thread for links to album images. Place your animated artist or album images in the same folder as your existing artwork for the artist or album. To add your images, go to the info screen for the artist or album, select "GET THUMB", select "animatedthumb", and select your image.)

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed the Smart Shortcuts so that they display the correct background for the selected item. Thanks to fuorigioco1981 for reporting the bug!
  • I removed some info and adjusted the position of the audio and subtitle flags for episodes in Video Info.

Image Maintenance
  • I changed the music viz code to hide the furniture if info or Music OSD is selected. Thanks to RobinTW for the request!

I've added new versions of the Colored Mediaicons and Colored Studio Icons Add-ons to the repo. There were multiple images with invalid characters in the name causing updates to fail when trying to install...that has been fixed with these new versions. Before installing, please uninstall your existing versions and then install the updates via my repo. Any future updates should install just fine after that.

For those that would like to manually download...
Colored Mediaicons update
Colored Studio Icons update
This skin is really awesome.  But the latest version of this skin with the new code to hide the furniture in Music OSD is an issue for those of us using an android kodi box.  When i play a song, the cd art  and disc art and band logo all appear, then after 5 seconds disappear and I can't bring them back up because there is no keyboard "I" button on the remote.  And even if I do have a keyboard remote(Which I found) and am able to push the "I" button, the furniture appears then as soon as a new song starts playing, it disappears again.  Is this a case where I should use an older version of the skin, before this change was made?  Or is this just a bug that has to be fixed in the next release?
I'm going to revert back to old code until I can figure out this problem with the furniture.
(2021-02-10, 16:52)latts9923 Wrote: @mohawkcr
I'm going to revert back to old code until I can figure out this problem with the furniture.

great!  thank you!
I'm not sure there's a way to retain your font selection for a skin after changing to another skin.
Okay that's a pity When I select the AeonMQ skin, the Interface settings window is closed immediately. The skin returns to the main menu. It would be less cumbersome, if the Interface settings window remains open, so I'm able to change the font from default to Cyrillic.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

UPDATE #7 - This will update the skin to v1.0.0.7

Image Additions
  • I added support for the Movie Director Thumbs Add-on by chrissix.
  • I added the artist logo to Layout 3 of music viz. Thanks to jasn for the suggestion!
  • I added support for characterart posters on the Video Info screen.
  • I added the colored studio option in SKIN SETTINGS > ICONS AND IMAGES to TV Shows. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!
  • I added two new settings to the Top Menu for Movies..."DIALOGUE CASE ART" and "DIALOGUE KEYART LOGO". The case art for the Video Info screen has been tied to the case art settings for Right List, but now you have the option to display different case art for both.
  • I added new default Dutch MPAA icons. Thanks to MB1968 for providing the images!

Image Bug fixes
  • The "TV Show Status" was displaying the duration in the Shelf 3D view while browsing TV Shows. Thanks to MB1968 for reporting the bug!
  • I added a control to hide the actor art when the focus was not on the actor's image. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for reporting the bug and providing the fix!
  • I think I finally figured out the problem with the persistent characterart.

I've added new versions of the Colored Mediaicons and Colored Studio Icons Add-ons to the repo as well.

For those that would like to manually download...
Colored Mediaicons update
Colored Studio Icons update
Yeah, that's new behavior with Matrix.
(2021-02-13, 21:24)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Yeah, that's new behavior with Matrix.
I see. Thanks.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod


I think you're almost there.. mostly working as expected but I did notice one unusual pattern. I'll try explain. This pertains to the Right List view with Character Art (I'll check to see if similar result with Actor Art).
In these examples art=character art only.
Let's say we have Movie A with character art, Movie B with no character art, Set C with no art, Movie D with art. We'll start on Movie A with art displaying.
Scenario 1 
starting at Movie A   art displayed
move to    Movie B  no art displayed (previous art disappears as expected)
all following moves results are as expected
Scenario 2
start at   Movie A  art displays
move to  Set C     no art displays (previous art disappears as expected)
Scenario 3
start at   Movie A   art displays
move to  Movie C  art changes (as expected)

here's were things get interesting
Scenario 4
start at   Movie A  art displays
move to  Set C     no art displays
move to  Movie B  art from Movie A reappears when Movie B has no art

This pattern is consistent regardless of how many Sets (no art) are between Movie A and Movie B, the art from Movie A will reappear until you hit another movie that has it's own art.

Now then, if you could follow that I am impressed. 

BTW, mouse navigation in the Right List view still results in a frozen screen requiring either returning to main menu or reloading the skin via keyboard. I am using Win10 x64.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4
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Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod0