2021-02-14, 16:56
I made a script to change the genres directly in kodi (database) and also manage the films in directories
I can do everything except change the location of the film "c22 in the database"
my command to change the location of the movie:
command = ('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails", "id": 1, "params": {"file": "% s", "moviesid":% s} } '% (filecible, self.idfilm))
data = xbmc.executeJSONRPC (command)
send me an error
Is that in the kodi source changing the location of the movie (database: c22) is allowed?
thank you
best regards ray.lp
I made a script to change the genres directly in kodi (database) and also manage the films in directories
I can do everything except change the location of the film "c22 in the database"
my command to change the location of the movie:
command = ('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails", "id": 1, "params": {"file": "% s", "moviesid":% s} } '% (filecible, self.idfilm))
data = xbmc.executeJSONRPC (command)
send me an error
Is that in the kodi source changing the location of the movie (database: c22) is allowed?
thank you
best regards ray.lp