2021-02-20, 19:44
Hello all,
I don't quite understand the issue with the "Super Favorites". I have created a menu with "Super-Favourites" for the main menu by clicking on "News". This also works, but not everything that is stored there is displayed or can not be started. In the standard favorites this is no problem.
Here is the list:
The first two entries are no problem, but the "Playlist Loader" does not work. This item is also not displayed at all. In the standard favorites it is displayed and also called.
What is the reason for this? Does the Playlist Loader need to be queried differently so that it can be called using "Super-Favourites"?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
I don't quite understand the issue with the "Super Favorites". I have created a menu with "Super-Favourites" for the main menu by clicking on "News". This also works, but not everything that is stored there is displayed or can not be started. In the standard favorites this is no problem.
Here is the list:
<favourite name="VerbindeDiePunkte" thumb="https://cuetv.cc/cnd/tv/icons/vdp.jpg">ActivateWindow(10025,"plugin://plugin.video.lbry/channel/%40VerbindeDiePunkte%23f0bd9747b9a727a4330b5fd54052055a8a3c9c76/1",return)</favourite>
<favourite name="LION Media" thumb="https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AAUvwnhMWXTYf4P5HkMk3tuDlsFb2R2F9NVueaZvxxvp2w=s800-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj">ActivateWindow(10025,"plugin://plugin.video.youtube/channel/UCXXoX3D69mN75vF89jvW9bg/?sf_options=meta%3Dplot%253DLION%252BMedia%2526votes%253D0%2526label%253DLION%252BMedia%26desc%3DLION+Media%26_options_sf",return)</favourite>
<favourite name="[Lion Media]" thumb="special://home/addons/plugin.video.playlistLoader/resources/images/default-list-image.png">ActivateWindow(10025,"plugin://plugin.video.playlistLoader/?cache=120&iconimage=%2fstorage%2femulated%2f0%2fAndroid%2fdata%2fkodi.cuetv.tv%2ffiles%2f.kodi%2faddons%2fplugin.video.playlistLoader%2fresources%2fimages%2fdefault-list-image.png&logos&mode=2&name=%5bLion%20Media%5d&url=https%3a%2f%2fcuetv.cc%2fcnd%2ftv%2fm3u%2flionmediayoutube.m3u&uuid=56285b4f-5bc5-437d-ab08-5e1b35578136&sf_options=meta%3Dvotes%253D0%2526label%253D%25255BLion%252BMedia%25255D%2526title%253D%25255BLion%252BMedia%25255D%26_options_sf",return)</favourite>
The first two entries are no problem, but the "Playlist Loader" does not work. This item is also not displayed at all. In the standard favorites it is displayed and also called.
What is the reason for this? Does the Playlist Loader need to be queried differently so that it can be called using "Super-Favourites"?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards