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Req I need help regarding whitelisted resolutions.
Hello all,

I have two separate issues regarding resolution switching.
In both scenarios I have my kodi setup to change resolution and refresh rate based on content. The GUI is set to 1920x1080@60

When watching cropped 4k videos( meaning the bars on widescreen movies have been removed, resulting in a resolution lower 3840x2160, such as 3840x1920), Kodi is outputting the resolution at 1920x1080, which is leaving my TV to upscale when it should not need to. Is there a fix for this? Can I make Kodi switch to, or stay at a 4K resolution if the vertical resolution does not match?

When outputting SD content. (480p, and having the TV handle the upscale). The OSD controls are not visible at all. Is there a fix for this?

Thank you
I'm not a video guru, but just addressing some things:

- Cropped videos?!? No 21:9 aspect videos should have black bars in the first place. Anyone who adds them is totally clueless about video handling. I use a 21:9 monitor, and such videos are displayed properly. Video rips with added black bars simply result in poorly displayed 16:9 videos.

- 480p video... And which resolution is your TV at when doing that type of video? OSD and all other menu stuff should be displayed as usual, unless perhaps the TV itself is in 480p mode.
If you set your GUI Resolution to 2160p & remove any whitelist settings that would probably solve your problems.
(2021-03-12, 22:44)Klojum Wrote: I'm not a video guru, but just addressing some things:

- Cropped videos?!? No 21:9 aspect videos should have black bars in the first place. Anyone who adds them is totally clueless about video handling. I use a 21:9 monitor, and such videos are displayed properly. Video rips with added black bars simply result in poorly displayed 16:9 videos.

- 480p video... And which resolution is your TV at when doing that type of video? OSD and all other menu stuff should be displayed as usual, unless perhaps the TV itself is in 480p mode.

Cropped may have been the wrong term. I meant videos in a non 16:9 resolution, assuming they have been cropped from an original 16:9 source that did have the bars originally. Regardless, I solved that issue. The videos causing problems actually had a horizontal resolution of 3838 instead of 3840.

Regarding issue 2, the tv switches to a 480p resolution. I can solve the issue by not whitelisting that low, but that leaves Kodi to do the upscaling, not my tv
Hmm.. A difference of 2 pixels shouldn't have that much of an effect. But some 21:9 videos do have actual black bars added to make up for a 16:9 picture resolution, versus a proper 21:9 video shown on a 16:9 monitor/TV where black bars "just happen" because of the difference in shapes.

If I come across videos with added black bars, I'll strip them from the video. I want the original layout.

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I need help regarding whitelisted resolutions.0