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Finding missing files
So, I had an issue with my nas and I may have lost some files.

My question is, is there any way to have Kodi scan for and list any missing files in the library?

Side note: RAID is not a backup!
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If I remember correctly, if you do a library update, missing items should be noted in the event log (wiki).
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It probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to have a feature to specifically find missing media, maybe in core, maybe as an addon.

I can give that a try, it'll be a bit until everything is back to normal with the NAS anyways since I have to copy the files off and reformat because the filesystem itself is fubar.

In my case the parity is intact, but that doesn't do anything when the filesystem is damaged, hence why people say raid isn't a backup.

I have cloud backup, so the important stuff should be fine, but I'll probably have to re-rip some movies
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There used to be the missing movies addon, but the event log stuff was supposed to supercede that.
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Finding missing files0