Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
announce services to other systems, what happens
I wanted to make a remote control for fun, I was trying to figure out how does kodi announce it's self.
is there a way way from scanning local ports i can tell which is kodi? I want to do this automatically for the user.
i've tried a few routes so far based on the repos, any tips are appreciated 


service discovery

port scanning
(2021-04-24, 00:01)gnb1 Wrote: I wanted to make a remote control for fun, I was trying to figure out how does kodi announce it's self.
is there a way way from scanning local ports i can tell which is kodi? I want to do this automatically for the user.
i've tried a few routes so far based on the repos, any tips are appreciated 


service discovery

port scanning

nevermind figured it out with

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announce services to other systems, what happens0