Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to disable 'No PVR addon enabled' error message?
Every now and then, when interacting with Kodi, the following error message will pop up, seemingly at random:

"No PVR addon enabled
You need a tuner, backend software, and an add-on for the backend to be able to use PVR."

But i know i dont have those enabled or installed and i'm perfectly happy without them.

Is there a way to kindly ask Kodi to stop showing these PVR addon related error messages? I know Kodi really wants me to install those addons, and i love that it has those features. But i like Kodi for all its other qualities, and would like to stop being reminded of my poor life choices regarding PVR addons.
(2021-05-08, 23:10)PluX Wrote: Every now and then, when interacting with Kodi, the following error message will pop up, seemingly at random:

"No PVR addon enabled
You need a tuner, backend software, and an add-on for the backend to be able to use PVR."

But i know i dont have those enabled or installed and i'm perfectly happy without them.

Is there a way to kindly ask Kodi to stop showing these PVR addon related error messages? I know Kodi really wants me to install those addons, and i love that it has those features. But i like Kodi for all its other qualities, and would like to stop being reminded of my poor life choices regarding PVR addons.
I've never seen this popup appear randomly, it would only appear if you use a PVR keyboard shortcut, like E,H,J or K. If you are not pressing any of these keys a Debug Log file would give us more information about what's causing this.
Ah i think you are right, looking into it, it looks like i had a faulty button keymapping on one of my remotes. Thanks

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How to disable 'No PVR addon enabled' error message?0