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Android Is there a way to reset the skin back to its original look (with original menu's too)
I'm new to Kodi so I was experimenting with lots of settings on the Amber skin. Everything's really messy looking & there's no saving it now lol! I want to start all over again & make all the colors and menu's appear as they did "out the box". But I don't see any "restore defaults" option in the Amber skin settings.

What should I do?
(not sure it's relevant, but I'm on Nvidia Shield Pro with Kodi Matrix, & Amber installed from the repository)
Look for a folder in userdata/addon_data/skin.amber and there should be settings.xml file, which you can edit, rename or delete. Your choice.
(2021-06-11, 13:03)Klojum Wrote: Look for a folder in userdata/addon_data/skin.amber and there should be settings.xml file, which you can edit, rename or delete. Your choice.
Unfortunately, that only resets the skin's colors.
It doesn't reset the homescreen menu's (Videos, TV Shows, Pictures, etc.).

I made so many absurd changes to the "actions", backgrounds, and shelves of these various menu's...I just want to reset back to how Amber originally had them.

I even tried uninstalling the skin & re-installing Amber (also checking to see if settings.xml was deleted)...and the old homescreen menu's still re-appear.
These steps provided by Amber's developer worked for me (in case any of you have this problem in the future)...
Quote:1. Quit Kodi
2. Delete the "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" file from the skin's 1080i folder.
3. Delete all files that contain "Amber" from the <userdata>\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts\ folder
4. Delete the settings.xml from the <userdata>\addon_data\skin.amber\ folder.

5. Restart Kodi

That should get you a default skin configuration, including menus and widgets.

Please let me know how it goes. Thanks.



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Is there a way to reset the skin back to its original look (with original menu's too)0