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Release Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 1
Kinos2 - Kodi Jarvis & Retroarch for Apple TV gen 1

This is a successor to the first release of Kinos which was based on Ubuntu 12.04. (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=313407)
This one's built from ground up using Ubuntu 14.04, Kodi runs a little better (no more heavy disk trashing when downloading subtitles for instance), I'm also using a newer kernel which supports more devices and peripherals. I think it's a more complete release with a few additional goodies, and should work with 99,9% of all 1080p MKV files. In case you wondered why I didn't use Ubuntu 18.04: The ATV only has 256MB ram, and 14.04 simply runs better.

Kinos2 is mainly:
  • Kodi Jarvis v16.1 with Crystal HD support for the Apple TV.
  • Retroarch v1.20 (with support for most emulators before the PSX/N64 era). I manually updated 100+ cores that made at least some sense to include. (There is no PPA for 14.04 anymore and a lot of cores weren't included in the PPA anyways).
  • Kodi and Retroarch are both preconfigured to "just work", and you can launch Retroarch from Kodi and vice versa, making it super easy to switch back and forth.

QUICK RUNDOWN OF NOTABLE FEATURES (in no particular order):
1. Basic configuration file easily accessed by Samba share, so you don't need to SSH in to configure system settings (except for Wifi). From here you enable and configure Transmission, TVHeadend, Minimserver (download required), Roon (download required), Syncthing, Airplay (Shairport-sync), Spotify Connect... and other settings. 
2. A minimal kernel 4.19 which includes support for exfat and the proprietary WL Broadcom driver (which works with the original wifi card), plus all the TV cards/USB WiFi dongles that the kernel supports (except older B/G ones). 
3. Auto mounting and sharing of USB disks (thanks OSMC)
4. Bluez that supports the PS3 BD Remote (with sleep, so the batteries will last years), Logitech Harmony Ultimate/Elite in PS3 mode and the Logitech PS3 to IR receiver. 
4a. Autopairing of PS3 joypads, which might or might not work for you. (just connect it to USB like a real PS3 to pair). Remember to enable bluetooth from the config file.
5. An ncurses based gui for network connections/wifi. Just SHH in and type "connman_ncurses" to configure WiFi. It's basically an one time "set it and forget it".
6. Pre-added a few soundfont files (with a shortcut from the home folder). AFAIK they are all in the public domain. I mostly use these in the Libretro ScummVM core (which is preconfigured to use the one thats 45MB)
7. Support for Xbox wireless dongle to Xbox S controllers wirelessly. (Also supports Xbox Series X controllers).
8. Native Apple Remote, making it much more responsive plus it works in both Kodi and Retroarch. Even the play button on the silver remote has it's own function. 
9. Can play from a real DVD/CD using an usb drive  (Which didn't work in Kinos1 for some reason)
10. 3 Skins included. Quartz (Kinos) is the default skin and runs the best  I've also included Quartz CE, which is another fork of Quartz. And of course Confluence is also included. 

Note: This only supports installing to the internal hard drive. No, I won't add support for installing to an USB stick. 
Note 2: You do this on your own responsibility
note 3: A 2.5" IDE to mSATA adapter is highly recommended. (or 2.5" to m.2, but AFAIK only m.2 sata adapters exists, so no nvme). I get about 87MB/s read speed from a noname msata using HDPARM. 

Download this 7z file and unzip it:

Clone the image file to a USB stick using of the following tools (or your own method):
DD (Linux/Mac), Balenaetcher (Windows), applepi-baker/Balenaetcher  (Mac)
An USB stick of minimum 2GB is needed.

Insert the stick into the USB port at the back of the Apple TV, and connect the Apple TV to power.
After the install has begun, the ATV will blink white after 30 second timeout, meaning it's past the point of no return.
After verifying the integrity of Kinos file system and succeeded,  the light will turn to solid amber to signal that it's begun extraction of the filesystem. (You will get an error that /dev/sdb2 can't be mounted, this is expected unless you make a custom installer: see next paragraph)
When the install is finished, the ATV will blink alternate Amber/White, signaling that you can remove the install media. Kinos2 will then automatically reboot.

This is assuming you're using a Windows PC:
After you've imaged Kinos to a USB stick, unplug it, then replug it. Open a partition tool such as Minitool or similar. You will then be able to create a new partition of the remaining space. Create a partition and name it whatever you want, using fat32,exfat, ntfs or ext3/ext4 filesystem. 

On this partiton you can create folders that you can put either archives or subfolders into.
Archives will be extracted (only root level/non recursive) and subfolders copied (recursive). The archives can be *.tar.xz, *.7z or *.zip. (supports the maximum compression preset if you use 7z for Windows).

Example: You have a bunch of game backup roms that you want extracted or copied over. Simply archive the whole game folder and put it inside a folder named "roms" at the root of the new partition. Or you can just copy the whole game folder over to the "roms" folder on the new partition. 

Be aware that depending on the destination folder, the archives should/should not include a top level folder. For "roms" it makes sense if an "Atari 2600.7z" archive uses an "Atari 2600" top folder. Whereas a complete retroarch backup archive inside "/retroarch" it doesn't make sense to use a top folder, or the archive would essentially be extracted to ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch/ instead of ~/.config/retroarch/ , which is what we want. 

Kinos recognize 11 different folders (first line) which the installer will either extract archives from, or copy all subfolders from, to a set destination folder (second line).




special case. Here you can put additional Kodi addons in their original zipped state. (They will become part of the default Kodi addons)

For Retroarch:








#Bugs I'm too lazy to/can't fix/caveats:
  • Inserting the Pulse8 CEC adapter, makes Kodi crash. (Too lazy to find out why, and I suspect nobody is using this with the ATV anyways)
  • If you're using ethernet and your router reboots, Kinos will get Automatic Private IP (Ip in the 169.x.x.x range) and it won't get a new real IP until you unplug/plug the cable or reboot. (probably a connman bug in Ubuntu 14.04)
  • Spotify Connect from the Windows Client as of 6th July 2021 doesn't work. https://github.com/librespot-org/libresp...issues/370 (there is a workaround described there)
  • The default Quartz skin is a little buggy, so the shelf won't auto populate when you add a new library. You have to reload the skin, which is easily accomplished by simply either choosing "reload skin" or quitting Kodi (Kodi will automatically respawn in a few seconds).
  • Note that only the included skins have been modified to start Retroarch using the exit menu. 
A basic configuration file can be accessed at ~/.kinosrc or directly from samba: \\kinos\System/.kinosrc (remember to turn on hidden files..oh and it might not look aligned if you don't use notepad++)
It should be self explanatory but here's a quick rundown regardless:

## Kinos config - Reboot for changes to take place! ##

#GUI -- kodi or retroarch
Shouldn't normally be needed to set manually. If you want to run Kinos as a server of some sorts, without Kodi or Retroarch, you can just set it to nothing. (GUI=) 

#XORG -- hdmi.[edid|custom-edid|1080p.hardcoded|720p.hardcoded] -- component.[1080p|1080i|720p|576p|576i|480p|480i] -- composite.[pal-b|pal-i|ntsc-m]
#IE: "hdmi.1080p.hardcoded" | "component.1080p" | "composite.pal-b"
#Default is "hdmi.edid" -- custom-edid made from Pioneer KRP-500A HDTV + DVD Quick 6R HDMI switch

METAMODES describes the preferred resolution/refreshrate. If not set then european HDTV's will default to 50hz. Not a big problem in Kodi since you can always set the GUI to 60hz in the settings and the auto refresh rate works regardless, but it would be a problem in Retroarch, unless you plan to play PAL games (Or Amiga games or some other console that was predominatly 50hz/PAL based). 
METAMODES must correspond to the XORG mode.
If you set XORG=hdmi.720p.hardcoded , then you should set metamodes to 1280x720_60 to get 60hz in Retroarch.
If you use the default XORG=hdmi.edid and use it with a 16:10 monitor with a 1920x1200 resolution, then you must set METAMODES=1920x1200_60 to fill up the whole screen and get 60hz in Retroarch.
METAMODES is only enabled for hdmi outputs. (I didn't test component outputs so I didn't enable it there, while the composite output are probably hard coded for NTSC/PAL frequencies). 

#COLORRANGE -- limited (default) or full - only valid for HDMI output 
COLORRANGE=limited is the safe choice that all HDTV's default to. 
ps! I included a COLORRANGE=special if you are able to *force* your TV to limited range. Whenever inside Kodi, the output will be full range but you need to set Kodi to use limited range in the settings. This way you'll get bitperfect output and the best quality image. In special mode, inside Retroarch the output will be limited range (so you don't need to mess with your TV settings)
ps2! If you use Kinos2 with a computer monitor, chances are it only supports COLORRANGE=full. (So using it with a 16:10 monitor you need to set both METAMODES and COLORRANGE accordingly)

#OVERSCAN -- 0.00 to 1.00 - only valid for Component or Composite output

#Services -- 1 or 0 to enable/disable (default)
ENABLE_MINIMSERVER=0 ## Not included - manual download.
(For some reason xinetd just refused to work (starting Samba/SHH just when needed), so I added the possibility of disabling SSH/Samba altogether if you really want to conserve ram usage)

ENABLE_AIRPLAY/ENABLE_SPOTIFY should be self explanatory.
By default Airplay is enabled since it's really light on resources.
Spotify Connect uses Java which use large amounts of both cpu/ram, so a SSD is again highly recommend if you plan to use Spotify while playing movie/gaming.

The included Spotify Connect is version 1.6.5, and can be upgraded by placing a new librespot*.jar file  inside the samba share: "System\.spocon\spocon". You don't need to rename the new file, but make sure there's only one *.jar file there, so either rename the old file or delete it. 
Just head over to https://github.com/librespot-org/libresp...a/releases 
Download "librespot-java-api-vx.x.x.jar" and copy it to the samba share: "System\.spocon\spocon". Reboot for it to take effect.

The same can be done with Syncthing @ System\.syncthing\ https://syncthing.net/downloads/

# Create default ROMdirs in ~/Roms - Resets to 0 after each run
CREATEROMDIRS=0 ## Kinos2 autopopulates the Roms folder with the most common folders for various gaming consoles/machines if it's empty.  If set to 1 you can force this on the next reboot even if it's not empty. (It can be seen as kind of leftover setting..)

# Reset kodi with default settings and addons - EVERYTHING else will be deleted! - Resets to 0 after each run

1) SSH
UserTongueassword is kodi:kodi. TTY2 is at ctrl-alt-f2.

2) Additional firmwares
Are vailable at "/lib/firmware/openelec firmware". Copy over whatever you need to /lib/firmware.

3) Preinstalled Kodi addons & misc info
Quartz Kinos skin (obviously)
Quart CE skin
Opensubtitles (requires user/password)
Opensubtitles by Opensubtitles.org (no user/password required)
Universal Scraper (and requisites)
Backup (and requisites)
Globalsearch (mapped to F7, global search while in home menu, movies/shows/music if specific views) 
Kinos UI sounds. 
  • Only globalsearch and libraryautoupdate are running services, so we should be good although we have only about 245MB ram available.  Generally you should also be careful and not install a lot of addons that run in the background as services, although a couple of extra addons will probably be fine.
  • Additional mappings: <g>AudioNextLanguage</g> <n>subtitledelay</n>
  • If you delete the ~/.kodi folder, then kodi will reinitialize with the default addons and settings.
  • All the normal screensavers, pvr addons, and visualizers are included. (VSXU visualizer is included but doesn't seem to work)
  • By deauilt, auto refreshrate is set with a 2 second pause. 
  • Changed default subtitle color from white to light gray. (easier on the eyes.)
  • Disabled DRC for AC3. (So it behaves like DTS/TrueHD/DTSHD)
  • A couple of patches were taken from OE/OSMC/Various places: Most notably is that changing hostnamein Kodi will also change the hostname of the OS (you need to reboot for Samba to pick up the changes, unless you ssh in and restart samba manually), and likewise with regional settings. Also when you change the default sound device in Kodi that will also automatically change .asoundrc accordingly after a reboot. Retroarch will then use the analog outputs or whatever you changed to.
  • You can choose between Samba v1, 2 or 3 for the internal kodi samba client. (2 or 3 might be a little faster and more secure (but who cares in a set-top box like this), but you won't be able to browse the network)
  • You can turn on/off support for archives (not sure why you'd want that).
  • Dual Audio. You can set a 2nd audio output if you for some reason have a need for that.
  • You can enable the LFE channel in the stereo mixdown (only recommended if you have big speakers)
  • You can adjust the volume phantom center channel in the stereo mixdown.

4) Transmission 2.92 Port:9091 
Various skins are also included, located in ~/.local/share/transmission/ (and can also be accessed by samba) - rename/copy the one you want to use to "web" for transmission to pick up. (some of the skins has the actual interface in a "src" subfolder). The skins can be updated by simply cd into the folder and typing "git pull". Transmission will use the default skin if there's no "web" folder.

5) TVHeadend server 4.21 Port:9981
Those who need this probably know more than I do about this. 

6) Minimserver (The best uPnP server for music) Port:9790 
Added Minimserver - a very good "music only" upnp server. The licence doesn't allow distribution - you have to manually download/install:
#sudo wget http://jminim.com/brac/MinimServer-0.8.5...tel.tar.gz (or ssh in and copy it to the home folder)
#sudo tar xvf MinimServer- -C /usr/local/bin/
#sudo chown -R kodi:kodi /usr/local/bin/minimserver
#sudo rm MinimServer- 
Now you can enable the service from the .kinosrc config file. Data files are saved to /usr/local/bin/minimserver/data. (Can't be accessed from samba)
If you want to share music from an USB connected disk, remember they are mounted at /media/*.
The download link will probably break in the future. In that case head over to minimserver.com and see what the latest release is for Linux X86. (Then fill in the "blanks" in the download url)

7) Roon Bridge
Data files and such are saved to the .roon folder inside the .System folder and can be accessed by samba.

8) PS3 Remote 
This worked for me:

hold start + enter for a couple of seconds

#kodi@Kinos:~$ sudo ps3_pair.py
#Please HOLD the START and ENTER buttons on the PS3 remote.
#Searching for devices, please wait...
#1: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [Unknown]
#Select the device you wish to add [1]: 1
# Registering device...  Done

Check that the device is registered: 

#sudo /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/list-devices
kodi@Kinos:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/list-devices
[ /org/bluez/2492/hci0 ]
    Name = Kinos-0
    Powered = 1
    Devices = dev_00_04_4B_47_8A_E9 dev_00_23_06_EA_F5_56
    DiscoverableTimeout = 0
    PairableTimeout = 0
    Discoverable = 0
    Address = yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy
    Discovering = 0
    Pairable = 1
    Class = 0
    UUIDs = 0x1000 0x1001 0x112d 0x1112 0x111f 0x111e 0x110c 0x110e
    [ /org/bluez/2492/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx ]
        Product = 0x0306
        Vendor = 0x054c
        Name = BD Remote Control
        Paired = 0
        Adapter = /org/bluez/2492/hci0
        Alias = BD Remote Control
        Version = 0x0100
        Connected = 0
        UUIDs = 0x1124 0x1200
        Address = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
        Services = dbus.Array([], signature=dbus.Signature('o'), variant_level=1)
        Class = 0x00250c
        Trusted = 1
        Blocked = 0

make sure the remote is trusted. 
If the remote is already working and (you should be able to navigate in kodi), then you can go the last step. If not there is an additional step you must do

sudo bluez-test-input connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
This command should complete without any errors and you should be able to navigate inside Kodi. If it errors, then make sure to push a couple of buttons to wake up the remote.

Last step, needed to make the remote sleep and conserve battery.
# sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/input.conf

Locate this section:
# This section contains options that are specific to a device

Remove both mac addresses and use the one from your own remote:
It should look like this:
# This section contains options that are specific to a device

You can also adjust the timeout value, the default is 90 seconds but you make choose whatever works for you.
While you're at it, look around inside the file to see the keymappings. Note that START is mapped to <n>subtitledelay</n> and AUDIO is mapped to <g>AudioNextLanguage</g>, the two extra mappings i've included. An additonal mapping is RED, which is mapped to GLOBALSEARCH (will search for everything in the home menu, in the movies menu it will search for movies etc)
As a bonus the remote will also work in Retroarch since it emulates a keyboard.

It also supports the PS3 IR/BT adapter, and Harmony Elite/Ultimate is PS3 mode. You don't need to add the mac to input.conf for these obviously, since they aren't running on batteries and don't need to conserve power. 

9) Apple Remote
There is native Apple Remote support, so no more jerky navigation. And the play button on the silver remote has additional functions.

I opted to mimic how Kodi traditionally works with remotes/keyboard/PS3 Remote instead of the old ATVclient behavior, so hitting the ok button while playing a movie will display the play menu instead play/pause and so on. Longpress ok button will pause/unpause. Globally, long press on ok brings up the context menu, while long pressing the menu button transports back to the main menu.

Pressing the play button will display info about the movie, while a long press in the main menu will bring up global search, and a long press inside TV/Movies/Music will search within those respective areas. Long press play button while playing a movie will start subtitles download.

Inside Retroarch, the play button mimics the home button on a Playstation/Xbox controller and menu button corresponds to escape so you have full navigation within Retroarch as well, using the silver remote.
10) Xow - driver for Xbox Wireless adapter
Insert the dongle and it will start working automatically, and it really works perfectly in Retroarch.
PS! The ATV USB port doesn't seem to shut off it's power properly when you soft reboot. (But a hard reboot or reboot with the remote: Hold down ENTER and DOWN for 5-6 seconds) I recommend using the dongle together with an USB hub.

11) Retroarch
The best for last.. You probably know what this is so I'll get right down to it:

Works pretty much perfect with all consoles machines up the SNES / Sega 32X era, but it's a little bite more nuanced than that: With better OpenGL drivers and/or x86 dynarec support, it wouldn't be out of the question to run both N64 and Playstation titles as well. (Paralell 64 core works somewhat but not good enough to include..believe me, I tried all sorts of tricks to get it working good enough). Sadly, that means that 3D games emulation is pretty much out of the question. 
Here's a couple of other examples to give you a good idea what to expect.
Capcom CPS1/2= Perfect. Capcom CPS3= Very, very playable with SSD - Stutter a bit too much with HDD
NeoGeo=All titles except the biggest ones work perfect on HDD. The biggest roms requires a SSD.
A lot of DOS games should work fine (Using one of the 4 included DosBox cores.. Doxbox-pure was pretty much plug'n'play for the few games I tried)
The Amiga and C64 games I tried worked fine with the included cores.
ScummVM, works welll with older titles. A lot of high-res games are playable too, but there's probably a small percent that require a little more horsepower than what the ATV provides.
ScummVM is configured out of the box, and I also have included a few soundfonts ranging from 3MB to 100+ MB. *Real* MT32 emulation could possibly stutter in a few games.
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and NBA Hangtime works with the Mame 2003-plus core. 
Gameboy Advance works perfect.
And lots more.. 

Theres even a lot of standalone core included such as:
Cannonball core is damn fine reimagining of Outrun, it uses the original Outrun rom but provides widescreen and 60fps.
prboom (doom), mrboom (bomberman clone), dinothawr, ecwolf, Vitaquake2, Tyrquake, Openlara, Super Mario War, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, etc etc.

Audio Latency: 
Retroarch default is 64ms, but I've set it to 36ms based on what works and doesn't work in a few emulators. A few edge cases probably needs a higher latency and to also enable threaded video to not stutter. (Such as NBA Hangtime on Mame2003-Plus)

How to use:
Retroarch folder can be accessed by samba at System/.config/retroarch
Roms folder can by accessed by samba at Roms.
I recommend using Retroarch on your desktop to manage your games and just clone it to the ATV instead of actually scanning huge libraries of ROM files on the ATV (although you could do that if you really wanted too).
Heres' how: The first thing you need to do is to turn on *portable playlists* in your Retroarch settings on your desktop. Add your games. Then when everything is set up, just copy the gamefolders to Roms and the playlists to  System/.config/retroarch/playlists. + Remember to transfer any needed BIOS files to System/.config/retroarch/system.
That's it, pretty much. The rest you can probably figure out yourself.
Retroarch is pretty advanced, so I have most settings disabled. You need to actually make the settings visible through the only setting that is visible called "User Interface", and you need to manually save all changes (unless you turn on auto-saving). If you ever F up, you can simply start Kodi from Retroarch, delete the retroarch.cfg file, and then start Retroarch from Kodi, and the Kinos default retroarch config will be recreated.

12) Possible tweaks
Only 1 that I can think of, installing a mSATA SSD through an 2.5" 44pin IDE/MSATA adapter from Ebay.
That will make the ATV much faster when it needs to do some disk trashing. It will also boot very quickly. sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda gives me upwards of 83MB/s read speed.
A SSD is required to play the CPS3 and the biggest NEOGEO games without stutter. Seriously, you should just get that SSD and an enclosure like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/384177045025?ha...Sw3rNgp1FV

CHD'15 vs CHD'12: The 15 is recommended, but the '12 should work pretty ok too. It gets a little more jerky when starting playback. And you might have to hit pause and then play to for the picture to sync with the sound. YMMV.

A note on the '12: I have 2 different '12 cards, one working fine and the other working less good (everything over 720p was jerky). The back side of the one working fine is "clean", whereas the one working less good has a chip on it like this https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/...L1000_.jpg . That might just be a coincidence and one of my cards might be defective, so make of it what you will.

The ATVs running with 160GB are a little faster since the bigger HD drive is faster, but the ATVs with 40GB drive should still be fine.

This comes with NO guaranteed support whatsoever for any reason. I may or may not answer any questions. That said, it should be very stable and I honestly can't imagine anyone having any trouble with it. It is what it is: a last ditch effort of getting Kodi Jarvis onto the ATV, so do not expect any updates to either Krypton or anything else. That said... I will probably post updates debs of Retroarch and a couple of cores from time to time Smile
I'm delighted there's a new release of Kinos! Thanks!

I can't seem to install it. I used 1.25GB_kinos2-release-v1.1.zip. The installer shows this output:
Quote:Installing Kinos2 will erase your hard drive!
Remove USB stick within 30 seconds
if you do NOT want to install Kinos2

15 seconds to go..

Install started, please wait..

Partition internal hard drive | Done
Formatting Recovery partition | Done
Creating swap partition | Done
Formatting Kinos partition | Done
Mounting all partitions | sdb1 | Error (sdb2) | sda1 | sda3 | Done

Found boot files
Installing boot files.. | Done

Found Kinos filesystem
Verifying integrity of Kinos filesystem..

Corrupt filesystem, install halted
I tried creating the USB install disk two ways, once with ApplePiBaker and once with balenaEtcher, both on macOS; same result either way. This is a stock 40GB Apple TV.
I’ll have to take a look. Ofc I didnt test it😜
Edit: OK, Just uploaded v1.2. Could you take a look and confirm it works?
(I had to rip some things out both from both the installer and Kinos2 itself since there are some things I can't distribute, and in that process probably messed up)
With 1.25GB_kinos2-release-v1.2.zip:
Quote:Verifying integrity of Kinos filesystem.. | Success!
And the install succeeds. Hooray! Thanks.
(2021-07-04, 02:26)ryandesign Wrote: With 1.25GB_kinos2-release-v1.2.zip:
Quote:Verifying integrity of Kinos filesystem.. | Success!
And the install succeeds. Hooray! Thanks.
Thanks for confirmation!
Thanks for your work in keeping these boxes running.
I tried to install it on a small SSD (16GB), but after partitioning the drive, the installer said the system files were not found.
I will try with a larger SSD drive soon.
For the moment, I've installed Kinos2 on my ATV on a regular 80GB drive (originally from a PowerBook).

I plugged an external optical drive and tried to play music CDs, movie DVDs and a Bluray but none seemed to work.
The "Play" button is crossed out and when pressed the system tells me "Unavailable. Plese insert disc".
Had to do the following:
Quote:sudo -s
mkdir /media/cdrom0
And then add the following line to /etc/fstab:
Quote:/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
Music CD worked after that, 
I ejected the CD and inserted a DVD.
It mounted and I was given the choice to brose videos/music/pictures/files from it.
I went back to main menu and from settings tried to play DVD.  The system interface hung (could not eject nor go back to main menu) so I had to eject from ssh command line.
Tried to use the same CD after that, but it would not work.
Seems like after unmounting the disc, /dev/sr0 was no longer present.
Unplugged the USB drive and replugged, but then it was assigned to /dev/sr1 which means any tinkering has to be done again from command line.
I'm rebootng now to see if the DVD works as a first disc insert.
But somehow it seems like there might be problems when using more than one disc.
Here's the drives info from dmesg output:
Quote:[  204.047550] scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROM            Optiarc  BD ROM BC-5640H  1.0A PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
[  204.051425] scsi 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
[  204.124403] sr 2:0:0:0: Power-on or device reset occurred
[  204.131784] sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda caddy
[  204.131788] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[  204.134129] sr 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
OK, found out some more.
When rebooting, the directory I had created at /media/cdrom0 wasn't there anymore.
So I changed the line in /etc/fstab to read:
/dev/sr0 /run/media1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
Rebooted with drive and disc inserted and then I could play the DVD.
I ejected the DVD normally, then inserted music CD, but couldn't get it to play.
Seems like once you eject the first disc, getting the second disc to work needs a further dive into command line.
Just add
to advancedsettings.xml

You can just do this from System/.kodi share

edit: uploaded a new image which this is now the default
(2021-07-09, 19:22)Quorthon Wrote: HellO,
Thanks for your work in keeping these boxes running.
I tried to install it on a small SSD (16GB), but after partitioning the drive, the installer said the system files were not found.
I will try with a larger SSD drive soon.
For the moment, I've installed Kinos2 on my ATV on a regular 80GB drive (originally from a PowerBook).

I’m sorry I can’t really help with this. Maybe that drive isnt detected properly by the ATV, and if that’s the case then the installer probably wont find the files since they will now be located at /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb. (The ATV is a little special as the internal drive will still be sda even if you boot from an external drive)
Thanks for your replies and updates.
This time I tried to get PVT IPTV to work, but couldn't get any channel to work.
The channel list comes up, but clicking on any channel just produces the spinning thingy then nothing.
Also, the guide never loaded.
Used a good m3u file that works on a 16.1 Kodi installed on an old iMac running Lion.
(2021-07-17, 04:15)Quorthon Wrote: Thanks for your replies and updates.
This time I tried to get PVT IPTV to work, but couldn't get any channel to work.
The channel list comes up, but clicking on any channel just produces the spinning thingy then nothing.
Also, the guide never loaded.
Used a good m3u file that works on a 16.1 Kodi installed on an old iMac running Lion.
Send me the m3u file and ill take a look when im back from vacation. (Iptv is also one of those things I’ve never used, but it might be a quickfix nonetheless).
(2021-07-17, 09:09)Soli Wrote:
(2021-07-17, 04:15)Quorthon Wrote: Thanks for your replies and updates.
This time I tried to get PVT IPTV to work, but couldn't get any channel to work.
The channel list comes up, but clicking on any channel just produces the spinning thingy then nothing.
Also, the guide never loaded.
Used a good m3u file that works on a 16.1 Kodi installed on an old iMac running Lion.
Send me the m3u file and ill take a look when im back from vacation. (Iptv is also one of those things I’ve never used, but it might be a quickfix nonetheless).

Hello, I'm using this file:

Thanks for the update! Seems to be working well on my old ATV1.
Is there a way to install the Netflix on this? I have a fully paid up account and would be nice to get this all on one box.

Thank you,

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Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 10