Hello all,
I have uploaded versions 3.4.25 (Matrix) and 3.2.125 (Leia) to GitHub and the Amber repos. The main changes are:
1. Automatic Trailer Play in Media Views. This will work for local trailers and any trailer URL that is loaded into your db. Please be advised that low-powered systems might not do too well with this option, and that I, from the skin side, cannot guarantee that your plugin-based trailer URL (YouTube or other) will play correctly or at all. You will find the new setting here:
2. Information Popup for Shelves. There is a new option that you can enable on a per-shelf basis to show an information popup after a 3 second delay. You will find the new setting in the shelf configuration dialog:
And the popup looks like this for movies:
And like this for TV Shows:
And like this for episodes:
The popup will also show for music videos, artists, albums and songs. It will not show for movie sets or any other shelf item type. The delay is hardcoded at 3 seconds, and I am not planning on changing this.
3. Centering of Shelf Items. There is a new option that you can enable on a per menu item basis to center the shelf items on screen. This is useful when the shelf has few items which can all fit on the screen at the same time. The option works for all types of shelves, and also works for double-row and triple-row shelves, as well as when you show two shelves together or three shelves together. The centering will not be applied on any shelf that has automatic scrolling enabled.
You will find the new setting here:
And it can look like this:
Please download, test, and let me know if you find any issues. Thank you once more for your continued support and use of Amber.