Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
New DB create. Hanging.
I was trying to create a database for myself separate from my wife's to keep our watched status's separate. It hangs after awhile, same spot each time. I do not have a single full Paste available as it fails on Ubuntu Paste and is too big for Pastebin. They are sold out of Pro accounts. I don't know how that works. Anyway the first one is up to where SQL insertion starts and seems fine. Then the second paste is where the problem starts up. In the Interface it has been stuck at 2% scanning the movie Adrift currently. Been hung here a good long while.

Initial Info Up to sql insertion -

Problem starts -

*EDIT* Quick update. While I won't get into the debate of longevity or uptimes of linux servers my Ubuntu Focal server was at 110 days uptime. I reboot it just for kicks. As of right now my library population is at 4% which is twice as far as it got before. Also the few issues my wife was having have disappeared. Will keep updated upon completion / fail.

Failed out at 6%. Same lines repeating endlessly on log.
This doesn't look like a DB creation issue to me, both music and video the databases exist and get queried and written to.

It just looks like scraping movie data using and caching the thumbnails is taking a long time. I'll leave someone else to take a closer look at that. I suggest you change the thread title to attract the right kind of help.
Will do. To be honest though if it's just a matter of art downloading then that is just my internet. I did find a work around though. I made a backup of my existing db for my wife and I, created a new db and imported it to that new db name. Adjusted my advancedsettings.xml and it worked perfectly. As of right now I have 2 Kodi folders and I just symlink the correct one in place depending on what I'm doing. I also copied the existing thumbnails to the new "user" folder and it was fully seeded with everything.

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New DB create. Hanging.0