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Weird Problem with NAS + USB Drive
Hello community,

i have a weird problem. I have multiple devices from which I can access my video library which is stored on a Synology NAS (1bay). Now the time has come and the capacity is almost full.

This is why I hooked an external HDD via USB to my NAS and everything seems working fine but now... here is the strange behaviour of some devices with KODI...

1. On some devices, I click on Add Videos / choose NFS / choose the IP / choose USB / ... and it works.
2. On other devices, I click on Add Videos/ choose NFS and this is where KODI stops me from going on. it just highlights NFS but doesn't open the NFS-folder structure. I manually added the adress instead of choosing it, but then, no video is scraped.
3. On other devices, I click on Add Videos / choose NFS / choose the IP / and here I cannot open the USB folder where as I can open the folders which are directly on the HDD within the NAS, so only USB doesn't work...

Here a short list of my devices:

PC with windows 10 --> works perfectly
raspberry pi 4 with 4gb ram and recalbox installed --> works perfectly

raspberry pi 4 with 4gb with 4gb ram and retropie installed --> doesn't let me open the USB folder
xbox one s console --> works perfectly
samsung tablet with android --> I can click on NFS but nothing happens;
an ACER laptop with windows 10 --> works perfectly

because I use the tablet and the retropie kodi quiete often, I cannot abandon these two devices.
I have no clue where to look for a solution so it would be great if someone could help me pinpointing this issue.

kind regards
Not sure if this will help but I'll mention it anyway

I use kodi from win 10 and an android set-top box, with my kodi library on an NFS connected NAS.  Recently I discovered that some of my films were flagged at locations on the "N:" drive, which is where I mount the kodi files when I want to edit them with file manager.  I have no idea how that happened (my scraping is generally done from Windows but point to NFS as the source) but it did not go down well with my android TV box.

So it might be worth checking in the info and seeing if there is something there which is a little off.

Also, not sure which NAS you have but mine provides access lists and you have to explicitly enable access for individual devices.  From memory a USB drive attached to the NAS has its own access list.

Good luck.

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