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Support for epg in xml.gz format
A confession about the functionality for tvg-name and channel-id. As I said above, when I was first compiling my list, the epg was not working for some channels if I set them with their channel-id, so I set every channel with its tvg-name and that worked 100%.
On the other hand, the same list with the same epg url was working fine on a friend's android app. The epg was working for all channels, regardless if they were set with channel-id or tvg-name. That led to an argument between us, because he did not want to change his list and make it "kodi compatible" too as I suggested. And since then, I have refused to contribute anything to that list, which I now maintain and keep for myself.
The tvg-id being set to channel id or tvg-name being set to the channel name in the xml tv should both work. As far I’m aware that is the de-facto standard. If this is not working correctly please provide an example and I will look into it.

Was it some other combination your friend was using that didn’t work?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
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You have an example above. It was not working with tvg-name set as the channel id (digea.ert1.gr) but it was working when it was set as the display name (ERT 1).
I tested a few other iptv apps (freetux, hypnotix, iptvnator and astronica) which supposedly all supported epg, but none of them worked better than kodi. In fact, I do doubt if some of them even support epg.
I also proposed the use of 2 lists, one with each "naming version" so that they would work on most cases, but he denied because the main goal of his list is to work with his android app (something based on iptvcore*) and nothing else. Today, the only thing my list and his have in common are the urls for the channels and I am really happy about it and with all my work.

Setting tvg-name to the channel id is just wrong. That is what tvg-id is for. You made the right call.

Congrats on getting yours published!
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
If it is wrong, why does it work? Tongue
Also, I changed ALL the tvg-names to their respective channel-ids when I corrected my list and added the xml.gz epg url at the top a few days ago. Now I have to change them again :'(
    1. if tvg-id is equal to channel id then it’s a match otherwise
    2. if tvg-name is equal to display name it’s a match, otherwise
    3. if Channel name equal to display name it’s a match

    This is the priority order used.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
So, for my example the priority order is

digea.ert1.gr (channel id defined by epg.xml) > ERT 1 (display name defined by epg.xml) > ERT1 (= the name I gave at the end of the line)

Let me use your example to explain.

Here is your epg.xml


  <channel id="ert.ert1.gr">
    <display-name lang="el">ERT 1</display-name>

Example 1: Works as it matches on tvg-id - This is always checked first (note that channel name would never match as it's missing a space character)

#EXTM3U url-tvg="https://github.com/GreekTVApp/EPG-GRCY/releases/download/EPG/epg.xml.gz"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="ert.ert1.gr" tvg-name="ERT One" tvg-logo="https://program.ert.gr/images/ChannelLogo-ERT1.png",ERT1

Example 2: Works as it matches on tvg-name, this is always checked second (note that channel name would never match as it's missing a space character)

#EXTM3U url-tvg="https://github.com/GreekTVApp/EPG-GRCY/releases/download/EPG/epg.xml.gz"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="ERT 1" tvg-logo="https://program.ert.gr/images/ChannelLogo-ERT1.png",ERT1

Example 2: Works as it matches on channel name, this is always checked third (lucky that channel name has a space character this time!)

#EXTM3U url-tvg="https://github.com/GreekTVApp/EPG-GRCY/releases/download/EPG/epg.xml.gz"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="ERT One" tvg-logo="https://program.ert.gr/images/ChannelLogo-ERT1.png",ERT 1
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
So the order I posted above is correct and I can keep the tvg-names based on channel id (or tvg-id).
As for their names at the end of each line, all my channels have no spaces in their names. Even the ones that are named with 2 words are merged into 1.
(2021-10-22, 14:02)jim_p Wrote: So the order I posted above is correct and I can keep the tvg-names based on channel id (or tvg-id).

The order is correct but tvg-name should not be set to channel-id. In your example it matches because the tvg-name is equal to the display name.

This can be problematic as display names do not have to be unique in an EPG xml file. However channel id must be unique and will always result in only one match.

Does this make sense?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
So and so Tongue
If uniqueness in the epg xml file is the key for making it work right, I assure you that there are no identical display names in there.
Cool, then that will work just fine.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Can I somehow... force-refresh the epg which is inside the m3u file or the entire m3u fiile? Right now I just disable and re-enable the addon. I am asking because today I noticed something really weird.
As I have mentioned above, I now have all my channels switched to their tvg-id. And earlier I noticed that the epg is completely missing for some of them, although it had no issues ~20 days ago that I made the changes in the m3u. The odd part is that some channels now have their epg after a specific time, e.g. after 8am, and nothing before that!

Because I do not have enough spare time lately, I admit that I have used the list (with the xml.gz inside it and the channels named after their tvg-id) very rarely. I will try setting them on their tvg-name and report back.
Same thing with the channels set to their tvg-name. 
There is no issue though if I add the epg url seperately in simple iptv's settings, in either xml or xml.gz format.

The addon is now on v19.0.2.1 and it was recently updated as it seems.
You can set an update interval in the addon settings. What do you mean by channels set to their tvg-id or tvg-name? Do you mean the channel name, I.e. the end of the M3U after the comma is set to that value?

You should set both tvg-name and tvg-id for each channel in the M3U. The tvg-name should be set to the Display name from the xmltv and the tvg-id should be set the channel id from the xmltv.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
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Support for epg in xml.gz format0