Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Seek to near end to agressively reduce delay of live streams
Explaining with an example: when I play a specific livestream with Potplayer (media player for Windows), I see the seekbar quickly reaching the length of 40 seconds, so this is the initial buffer for that stream. From there, I notice that every 5s a new buffer of 5s is downloaded and added to the length of the video.

Let's say... I just started playing the streaming, so seek position is at 0:03 from a total of 0:40. A few seconds later, I'm at position 0:13 from 0:50 available... What's the conclusion? I could probably seek to something like [total length - 7s] to drastically reduce delay without causing buffering interruptions.

In Potplayer, I can manually click the seekbar. Alternatively, I can speedup the streaming until I reach [total length - 7s], then I slow it down to 1x. How to do this in Kodi? It doesn't even display the available length.

Or better: is it possible to configure Kodi to automatically do what I want? I know this would produce jumps and interruptions in the first seconds, but soon after it would stabilize, with the benefit of a much shorter delay.

I tried playing with advancedsettings.xml, but it didn't improve anything.

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Seek to near end to agressively reduce delay of live streams0