Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi Libreelec render UPnP to Denon DRA-800H CUPnPPlayer failed
Hi to all,

I am running LibreELEC 10.0.0 on a RPi4 to browse and test my music library which resides on a NAS.
I can access the same music library also via the HEOS Denon app which is able to play directly using the Denon DRA-800H DAC with far more fidelity then the RPi4.
The HEOS interface is very crappy with limited search and browse options.
Kodi is by far the best browsing solution but combined with the Pi4 , it lacks fidelity.

I have enabled the UPnP service/client option and the Kodi RPi4 music library is visible to all my network devices using UPnP : Bubble UPnP , Xbox , Heos . All of them are able to play music from this library.
Also :
  • By using the Bubble UPnP i am able to render music directly to Kodi with no problems.
  • From Kodi RPi4 I am able to render music directly to my Android phone which has also Kodi installed (just for test purpose)
I am trying to achieve the following  :
  • use Kodi to browse my music and render with "Play using..." option to the Denon DRA-800H to have more fidelity .
When "Play using..." and selecting the Denon render (which is visible by Kodi) , the Denon responds by setting it's output volume to maximum  Huh and ....nothing else. Deep silence!

Here is the output i've traced in the kodi.log file  : ocasipusaq.kodi (paste)

Here the complete log :  okafibayiq.kodi (paste)

Here the Denon's output upnp/desc/aios_device/aios_device.xml  if necessary : pinujecapa (paste)

Any solution for this ?

Thank you!

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Kodi Libreelec render UPnP to Denon DRA-800H CUPnPPlayer failed0