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Solved Refresh all artwork
Hello fellow Kodi users Smile

I know the question has been asked before, but please hear me out. I run my kodi library for about 6 years and never had any problems. I updated a couple of Kodi versions and some time ago I lost a lot of my artwork. I never used any downloader or had managed them by myself. Just scraping and watching. So they went away and I'm able to refresh every single one of them to get back. But that's a lot of work. So I tried a couple of things:

I cleaned my library Settings->Media->Clean Library and obviously nothing happened.
I delete userdata/Database/Textures13.db and Userdata/Thumbnails but nothing happened.
I tried Artwork Dump but its not made to help me.
I followed this tutorial (but used "DELETE FROM art" instead "TRUNCATE TABLE art" since I received an error) and all artwork disappeared. Thats 50% work done, but I head to manually refresh the artwork again, so there was no benefit in doing so. While looking at the db I thougt my problem might have something to do with a switch from http to https? But I might be wrong.

I could go on and refresh all movies manually, but maybe some got another idea?

I'd appreciate your help!
(2021-10-31, 22:09)Croen Wrote: I cleaned my library Settings->Media->Clean Library and obviously nothing happened.
Cleaning the video library only cleans up unfound movie video files, it does unfortunately not clean the art/thumbs/fanart tables.

(2021-10-31, 22:09)Croen Wrote: I delete userdata/Database/Textures13.db and Userdata/Thumbnails but nothing happened.
After doing that, then you should see Kodi (slowly) build up the cache again. If not, some of the URLs could be deprecated because of the spring cleaning that TVDB/TMDB recently did. Rescraping is the only solution then.

(2021-10-31, 22:09)Croen Wrote: I followed this tutorial (but used "DELETE FROM art" instead "TRUNCATE TABLE art" since I received an error) and all artwork disappeared.
DELETE FROM and TRUNCATE TABLE are pretty identical, although Truncate will also reset any autonumbering fields. Things that Kodi isn't using that much though.

(2021-10-31, 22:09)Croen Wrote: While looking at the db I thougt my problem might have something to do with a switch from http to https?
What location changed from http to https? Because _any_ chance in a source location for media files will result in Kodi thinking these are totally new entries, not being related to any current artwork.
(2021-11-01, 01:52)Klojum Wrote: If not, some of the URLs could be deprecated because of the spring cleaning that TVDB/TMDB recently did. Rescraping is the only solution then.

Thank you for you answer! Can you give me a hint on how to start the rescraping without loosing all my "watched" info? I don't want to use a system like if possible. But if that's the only solution I might look into it.
I checked the movies db bevore updating a Harry Potter:
<thumb aspect="poster" preview=""></thumb>
The URL does not work anymore (and it's an old http). Of course there are way more URLs in the entry, but none of them worked.

Then I refreshed it and got a working:
<thumb aspect="poster" preview=""></thumb>
Now its working (in Kodi and I could open it via a browser).

I guess it's because my library is about 6 years old and has never been rebuild. So is there a way to refresh all artwork at once? Even by editing the db?

Thank you!

PS: Full entries:
(2021-11-01, 20:01)Croen Wrote: Can you give me a hint on how to start the rescraping without loosing all my "watched" info?
You could try this...
But it requires IMDB ID's for movies and TVDB ID's for tv shows. Hopefully in your older library you have these ID's

(2021-11-04, 00:34)Croen Wrote: So is there a way to refresh all artwork at once?
There is no dedicated Artwork Only scraper. You need to refresh the entire move or tv show.
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(2021-11-04, 02:26)Karellen Wrote: There is no dedicated Artwork Only scraper. You need to refresh the entire move or tv show.

I could do that but is there a way to "select all" and then refresh? It takes so long to open info, choose refresh, select yes, select the entry, wait for thetvdb, exit, chose the next movie and repeat. Do you have any idea on how to speed that up?
If not, I'll backup my db, try the xbmc-addon-service-watchedlist and start from the scratch.
(2021-11-04, 13:29)Croen Wrote: is there a way to "select all" and then refresh?
No. You need to remove the Source, which will delete the library, run a Clean Library, then add back the Source and rescrape.
See 4.1...
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(2021-11-04, 21:00)Karellen Wrote: No. You need to remove the Source, which will delete the library, run a Clean Library, then add back the Source and rescrape.
See 4.1...
Thanks Karellen!
I took the time and refreshed all my artwork by hand. Looks so much better now.

Thread marked solved.

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