shedrock , I have made the improvements I set out to do for the trailer in the video info dialog:
1. New Setting "Play Trailer in a Window". As the name states, this new setting will make the trailer play in a window instead of full screen when you hit the Trailer button in the video info dialog. You can find the new setting here:
When you hit the Trailer button, and the new setting is enabled, the trailer will appear on the bottom left of the screen, like this:
Notes on the Trailer button:
a. The button will only show up if there is a local trailer, or if you do not have one, but tmdb helper is enabled and it has found a trailer.
b. If the trailer to be played is the one found by tmdb helper, there might be a delay in playing it. There's nothing I can do about that from the skin side.
2. New "Search Trailer" button. This button will only show up if you have no local trailer and tmdb helper has not found a trailer. It will initiate a YouTube search for the movie/tv show/season/episode trailer.
If you do not have the YouTube addon installed, Amber will prompt you to install it; if you do not have it enabled, Amber will enable it.
It is important to note that the proper configuration of the YouTube addon (API keys, etc.) needs to be done by the user. I cannot guarantee that the search will work if the addon is not configured properly.
The search is smart enough to look for "<moviename or tv show name> trailer" for a movie or tv show, and look for "<tvshowname> <season label or episode label> trailer" for a season or an episode.
Please download, test, and let me know what you think. Thanks.