2021-10-21, 19:32
During setting up a new dev environment for Windows x64 I got an issue with "download-dependencies.bat". When it runs "get_form.cmd" I get the error below. Full log in "https://paste.kodi.tv/avatavihip.kodi".
1. Is the redirect (302) to mirror site "mirror.yandex.ru" as shown down below really correct?
2. Anybody knows why and how it can be solved?
1. Is the redirect (302) to mirror site "mirror.yandex.ru" as shown down below really correct?
2. Anybody knows why and how it can be solved?
C:\Users\developer\kodi\project\BuildDependencies\downloads>ECHO Downloading dnssd-878.260.1-x64-v141-20200105.7z... Downloading dnssd-878.260.1-x64-v141-20200105.7z...
C:\Users\developer\kodi\project\BuildDependencies\downloads>EXIT /B 0
--2021-10-21 18:27:00-- http://mirrors.kodi.tv/build-deps/win32/...0200105.7z
Resolving mirrors.kodi.tv (mirrors.kodi.tv)...
Connecting to mirrors.kodi.tv (mirrors.kodi.tv)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/xbmc/bu...0200105.7z [following]
--2021-10-21 18:27:00-- https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/xbmc/bu...0200105.7z
Resolving mirror.yandex.ru (mirror.yandex.ru)...
Connecting to mirror.yandex.ru (mirror.yandex.ru)||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify mirror.yandex.ru's certificate, issued by 'CN=Yandex CA,OU=Yandex Certification Authority,O=Yandex LLC,C=RU':
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to mirror.yandex.ru insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
dnssd-878.260.1-x64-v141-20200105.7z|Download of http://mirrors.kodi.tv/build-deps/win32/...0200105.7z failed
One or more packages failed to download
C:\Users\developer\kodi\project\BuildDependencies\scripts>IF NOT EXIST C:\Users\developer\kodi\project\BuildDependencies\scripts\tmp\got-all-formed-packages (
ECHO ERROR: Not all formed packages are ready!
ECHO I tried to get the packages from http://mirrors.kodi.tv;
ECHO if this download mirror seems to be having problems, try choosing another from
ECHO the list on http://mirrors.kodi.tv/timestamp.txt?mirrorlist, and setting %KODI_MIRROR% to
ECHO point to it, like so:
ECHO C:\> SET KODI_MIRROR=http://example.com/pub/xbmc/
ECHO Then, rerun this script.
REM Restore the previous current directory
EXIT /B 101
ERROR: Not all formed packages are ready!
I tried to get the packages from http://mirrors.kodi.tv;
if this download mirror seems to be having problems, try choosing another from
the list on http://mirrors.kodi.tv/timestamp.txt?mirrorlist, and setting %KODI_MIRROR% to
point to it, like so:
C:\> SET KODI_MIRROR=http://example.com/pub/xbmc/
Then, rerun this script.