Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved ERROR: SQL: [MyVideos116] The table does not exist, Query: SELECT * FROM tvshow_view
Good evening,

Have just done a NAS move from Synology to unRAID, everything has gone... mostly well but nothing I've not been able to fix with path updates.

Sadly, when launching KODI, my TV stuff is totally borked. I can navigate through my shares and watch stuff that way, but the home screen isn't allowing me direct access to TV.
In my event log I have:

2021-12-19 16:22:14.433 T:6676   ERROR: SQL: [MyVideos116] The table does not exist
ERROR: SQL: [MyVideos116] The table does not exist WHERE watchedCount != 0 AND totalCount != watchedCount ORDER BY c00
2021-12-19 16:22:14.433 T:6676   ERROR: CVideoDatabase::GetTvShowsByWhere failed

I can confirm the only tables under Views are:

Anyone advise me on how to rebuild this missing table? Not bothered about the contents, if this the table that contains where I'm up to on my TV stuff I'm happy just marking things as watched. But I'll be damned if I have to rebuild my entire movie watch list because of a bad export elsewhere.

Thank you.
FYI... A "view" is not a database table as such, but it is a combination of data sets of one or more tables.

A table not existing is of course never good. Providing the full debug log (wiki) (via pastebin) could give a bit more insight to us. You could also dive into the Syno's NAS log file of MariaDB. See what happened there.

All-in-all, if one table is missing, who knows what else is missing. Starting fresh with a new video database is probably best.
Fixed it.

At the bottom of MyVideos116.sql is the "table" creation script.

I assume the forum security settings are preventing me from pasting in the the fix so to anyone coming here with the same problem, crack open MyVideos116.sql with notepad, and search for


The next piece of SQL code, just run that at the top level and your "table"/"view" thing will come back to life. No need to rebuild.
Thread marked solved.

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ERROR: SQL: [MyVideos116] The table does not exist, Query: SELECT * FROM tvshow_view0