2021-12-20, 21:47
Fresh install, Kodi 19.3 from MSStore (Xbox one S).
Default skin ok, but many other downloaded skins such as Aeon (any), Eminence,...... skin is added, installs ok, selected, attempts to build home menu, fills the bottom row/main menu icons with blank spaces.
Nothing I can do, can't navigate, there's next to no UI, so all I can do at that point is uninstall the lot, retry.
It's there a deeper way to nuke the install? I'm wondering if it's leaving traces.
I'm choosing 'uninstall all' from Manage app menu on Xbox dash.
Default skin ok, but many other downloaded skins such as Aeon (any), Eminence,...... skin is added, installs ok, selected, attempts to build home menu, fills the bottom row/main menu icons with blank spaces.
Nothing I can do, can't navigate, there's next to no UI, so all I can do at that point is uninstall the lot, retry.
It's there a deeper way to nuke the install? I'm wondering if it's leaving traces.
I'm choosing 'uninstall all' from Manage app menu on Xbox dash.