Full : screensaver.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: © 2018, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) <[email protected]>
# GNU General Public License v2.0 (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt)
''' This Kodi addon turns off display devices when Kodi goes into screensaver-mode '''
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import sys
import atexit
from xbmc import Monitor
from xbmcgui import WindowXMLDialog
# NOTE: The below order relates to resources/settings.xml
dict(name='do-nothing', title='Do nothing',
args_off=[2, 'Do nothing to power off display'],
args_on=[2, 'Do nothing to power back on display']),
dict(name='cec-builtin', title='CEC (buil-in)',
dict(name='no-signal-rpi', title='No Signal on Raspberry Pi (using vcgencmd)',
args_off=['vcgencmd', 'display_power', '0'],
args_on=['vcgencmd', 'display_power', '1']),
dict(name='dpms-builtin', title='DPMS (built-in)',
dict(name='dpms-xset', title='DPMS (using xset)',
args_off=['xset', 'dpms', 'force', 'off'],
args_on=['xset', 'dpms', 'force', 'on']),
dict(name='dpms-vbetool', title='DPMS (using vbetool)',
args_off=['vbetool', 'dpms', 'off'],
args_on=['vbetool', 'dpms', 'on']),
# TODO: This needs more outside testing
dict(name='dpms-xrandr', title='DPMS (using xrandr)',
args_off=['xrandr', '--output CRT-0', 'off'],
args_on=['xrandr', '--output CRT-0', 'on']),
# TODO: This needs more outside testing
dict(name='cec-android', title='CEC on Android (kernel)',
args_off=['su', '-c', 'echo 0 >/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/cec'],
args_on=['su', '-c', 'echo 1 >/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/cec']),
# NOTE: Contrary to what one might think, 1 means off and 0 means on
dict(name='backlight-rpi', title='Backlight on Raspberry Pi (kernel)',
args_off=['su', '-c', 'echo 1 >/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power'],
args_on=['su', '-c', 'echo 0 >/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power']),
dict(name='backlight-odroid-c2', title='Backlight on Odroid C2 (kernel)',
args_off=['su', '-c', 'echo 0 >/sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/phy'],
args_on=['su', '-c', 'echo 1 >/sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/phy']),
dict(name='do-nothing', title='Do nothing',
function='log', kwargs_off=dict(level=2, message='Do nothing to power off system')),
dict(name='suspend-builtin', title='Suspend (built-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='System.Suspend')),
dict(name='hibernate-builtin', title='Hibernate (builtt-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='System.Exec(notepad.exe)')
dict(name='quit-builtin', title='Quit (built-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='Application.Quit')),
dict(name='shutdown-builtin', title='ShutDown action (built-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='System.Shutdown')),
dict(name='reboot-builtin', title='Reboot (built-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='System.Reboot')),
dict(name='powerdown-builtin', title='Powerdown (built-in)',
function='jsonrpc', kwargs_off=dict(method='System.Powerdown')),
class SafeDict(dict):
''' A safe dictionary implementation that does not break down on missing keys '''
def __missing__(self, key):
''' Replace missing keys with the original placeholder '''
return '{' + key + '}'
def from_unicode(text, encoding='utf-8'):
''' Force unicode to text '''
if sys.version_info.major == 2 and isinstance(text, unicode): # noqa: F821; pylint: disable=undefined-variable
return text.encode(encoding)
return text
def to_unicode(text, encoding='utf-8'):
''' Force text to unicode '''
return text.decode(encoding) if isinstance(text, bytes) else text
def addon_icon():
''' Cache and return VRT NU Add-on icon '''
if not hasattr(addon_icon, 'cached'):
from xbmcaddon import Addon
addon_icon.cached = to_unicode(Addon().getAddonInfo('icon'))
return getattr(addon_icon, 'cached')
def addon_id():
''' Cache and return VRT NU Add-on ID '''
if not hasattr(addon_id, 'cached'):
from xbmcaddon import Addon
addon_id.cached = to_unicode(Addon().getAddonInfo('id'))
return getattr(addon_id, 'cached')
def addon_name():
''' Cache and return VRT NU Add-on name '''
if not hasattr(addon_name, 'cached'):
from xbmcaddon import Addon
addon_name.cached = to_unicode(Addon().getAddonInfo('name'))
return getattr(addon_name, 'cached')
def addon_path():
''' Cache and return VRT NU Add-on path '''
if not hasattr(addon_path, 'cached'):
from xbmcaddon import Addon
addon_path.cached = to_unicode(Addon().getAddonInfo('path'))
return getattr(addon_path, 'cached')
def log(level=1, message='', **kwargs):
''' Log info messages to Kodi '''
if not hasattr(log, 'debug_logging'):
log.debug_logging = get_global_setting('debug.showloginfo') # Returns a boolean
max_log_level = int(get_setting('max_log_level', 0))
if not getattr(log, 'debug_logging') and not (level <= max_log_level and max_log_level != 0):
if kwargs:
from string import Formatter
message = Formatter().vformat(message, (), SafeDict(**kwargs))
message = '[{addon}] {message}'.format(addon=addon_id(), message=message)
from xbmc import log as xlog
xlog(from_unicode(message), level % 3 if getattr(log, 'debug_logging') else 2)
def log_error(message, **kwargs):
''' Log error messages to Kodi '''
if kwargs:
from string import Formatter
message = Formatter().vformat(message, (), SafeDict(**kwargs))
message = '[{addon}] {message}'.format(addon=addon_id(), message=message)
from xbmc import log as xlog
xlog(from_unicode(message), 4)
def jsonrpc(**kwargs):
''' Perform JSONRPC calls '''
from json import dumps, loads
from xbmc import executeJSONRPC
if 'id' not in kwargs:
if 'jsonrpc' not in kwargs:
result = loads(executeJSONRPC(dumps(kwargs)))
if hasattr(log, 'debug_logging'):
log(3, "Sending JSON-RPC payload: '{payload}' returns '{result}'", payload=kwargs, result=result)
return result
def get_setting(setting_id, default=None):
''' Get an add-on setting '''
from xbmcaddon import Addon
value = to_unicode(Addon().getSetting(setting_id))
if value == '' and default is not None:
return default
return value
def get_global_setting(setting):
''' Get a Kodi setting '''
result = jsonrpc(method='Settings.GetSettingValue', params=dict(setting=setting))
return result.get('result', {}).get('value')
def notification(heading='', message='', icon='', time=4000):
''' Show a Kodi notification '''
from xbmcgui import Dialog
if not heading:
heading = addon_name()
if not icon:
icon = addon_icon()
Dialog().notification(heading=heading, message=message, icon=icon, time=time)
def set_mute(toggle=True):
''' Set mute using Kodi JSON-RPC interface '''
jsonrpc(method='Application.SetMute', params=dict(mute=toggle))
def activate_window(window='home'):
''' Set mute using Kodi JSON-RPC interface '''
# result = jsonrpc(method='GUI.ActivateWindow', params=dict(window=window, parameters=['Home']))
jsonrpc(method='GUI.ActivateWindow', params=dict(window=window))
def run_builtin(builtin):
''' Run Kodi builtins while catching exceptions '''
from xbmc import executebuiltin
log(2, "Executing builtin '{builtin}'", builtin=builtin)
executebuiltin(builtin, True)
def run_command(*command, **kwargs):
''' Run commands on the OS while catching exceptions '''
import subprocess
# TODO: Add options for running using su or sudo
cmd = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, **kwargs)
(out, err) = cmd.communicate()
if cmd.returncode == 0:
log(2, "Running command '{command}' returned rc={rc}", command=' '.join(command), rc=cmd.returncode)
log_error("Running command '{command}' failed with rc={rc}", command=' '.join(command), rc=cmd.returncode)
if err:
log_error("Command '{command}' returned on stderr: {stderr}", command=command[0], stderr=err)
if out:
log_error("Command '{command}' returned on stdout: {stdout} ", command=command[0], stdout=out)
notification(message="%s\n%s" % (out, err))
except OSError as exc:
log_error("Exception running '{command}': {exc}", command=command[0], exc=exc)
notification(message="Exception running '%s': %s" % (command[0], exc))
def func(function, *args, **kwargs):
''' Execute a global function with arguments '''
return globals()[function](*args, **kwargs)
class TurnOffDialog(WindowXMLDialog, object):
''' The TurnOffScreensaver class managing the XML gui '''
def __init__(self, *args): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,unused-argument
''' Initialize dialog '''
self.display = None
self.logoff = None
self.monitor = None
self.mute = None
self.power = None
def onInit(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
''' Perform this when the screensaver is started '''
self.logoff = get_setting('logoff', 'false')
self.mute = get_setting('mute', 'true')
display_method = int(get_setting('display_method', 0))
self.display = DISPLAY_METHODS[display_method]
power_method = int(get_setting('power_method', 0))
self.power = POWER_METHODS[power_method]
log(3, 'display_method={display}, power_method={power}, logoff={logoff}, mute={mute}',
display=self.display.get('name'), power=self.power.get('name'), logoff=self.logoff, mute=self.mute)
# Turn off display
if self.display.get('name') != 'do-nothing':
log(1, "Turn display off using method '{name}'", **self.display)
func(self.display.get('function'), *self.display.get('args_off'))
# FIXME: Screensaver always seems to lock when started, requires unlock and re-login
# Log off user
if self.logoff == 'true':
log(1, 'Log off user')
# run_builtin('System.LogOff')
# run_builtin('ActivateWindow(loginscreen)')
# run_builtin('ActivateWindowAndFocus(loginscreen,return)')
# Mute audio
if self.mute == 'true':
log(1, 'Mute audio')
self.monitor = TurnOffMonitor(action=self.resume)
# Power off system
if self.power.get('name') != 'do-nothing':
log(1, "Turn system off using method '{name}'", **self.power)
func(self.power.get('function'), **self.power.get('kwargs_off', {}))
def resume(self):
''' Perform this when the Screensaver is stopped '''
# Unmute audio
if self.mute == 'true':
log(1, 'Unmute audio')
# Turn on display
if self.display.get('name') != 'do-nothing':
log(1, "Turn display back on using method '{name}'", **self.display)
func(self.display.get('function'), *self.display.get('args_on'))
# Clean up everything
def exit(self):
''' Clean up function '''
self.monitor = None
class TurnOffMonitor(Monitor, object):
''' This is the monitor to exit TurnOffScreensaver '''
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
''' Initialize monitor '''
self.action = kwargs.get('action')
def onScreensaverDeactivated(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
''' Perform cleanup function '''
def run():
''' Runs the screensaver '''
from xbmc import getCondVisibility
# If player has media, avoid running
if getCondVisibility("Player.HasMedia"):
log(1, 'Screensaver not started because player has media.')
TurnOffDialog('gui.xml', addon_path(), 'default').doModal()