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TV Shows "Titles" Not Connecting to Shows
Hi folks, I've been a long-time kodi user and have used it without much trouble for many years-- and when I do have a problem I've been trying to fix I've been able to figure it out from the forums. However, this time, I've run into something I just can't figure out. This is why I'm posting on these forums for the first time...

I'm currently running kodi on multiple platforms (Android TV, Windows, phones etc.), all my media is on a NAS and I'm using a shared database on the NAS to house all the metadata/watched status etc. It's been working fine for the most part, but recently, something happened to my NAS which caused me to set everything up again from scratch. 

Now, I can access all my files on the NAS as before but, for some reason, the TV Shows are not accessible though the regular show pages; rather, I can only connect to them through their direct files instead. This is a really annoying problem and makes for browsing for shows a lot harder. 

To illustrate the problem, I've created a video here:

The first part of the video shows how I can access Movies no problem. The second part shows that the access to TV Shows is broken i.e., how it doesn't connect to show pages but does connect directly to episode files. Hopefully you can follow it, the program skipped around a bit. Let me know if you need anything else. 

Thanks in advance for your help!

Geez your post sounds familiar. Have you posted this elsewhere in the last couple of days?

Anyway, without a Debug Log, all we can do is guess, but my suspicion is you have an error in your log file: SQL: Missing result set!
If you find that error, then this is the fix...

Let us know either way.
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Aha! It looks like this is happening. I checked the logs within kodi itself and didn't see anything but didn't realize that there was log output file as well. I did not post about this earlier and I found it was hard to pinpoint what the problem is based on kodi's the behavior and thus it was difficult to find the right search terms to use.

Anyway, thank you and I will report back if I'm able to fix this.
Ok so, I got it working properly again. I didn't use your provided solution but it did point me in the right direction so thank you for that!

Here's what I did:

I went to look at the settings for the SQL database but I couldn't find them; then I realized that the way my QNAP NAS handles the SQL database is a bit different. So I tried to log into the database to check it out-- it didn't work. I kept trying different things and nothing worked (reboots, updates etc.). Then, as a last resort, I reinitialized the database within QTS (QNAP's interface) and it worked! Well, it sort of worked, I lost all my watch statuses but since I use a separate metadata scraping program (Emby) none of the metadata was lost. 

I think the root of the problem was that QTS was recently updated to version 5.X and they changed slightly how it interfaces the SQL server. The solution was annoying but it worked.

PS: Also, to anyone else trying to get this in QTS 5.X, I think the admin username for myPHPAdmin was changed to 'root' from 'admin'. Took me awhile to figure that one out.
(2021-11-23, 01:09)hixote Wrote: ... I use a separate metadata scraping program (Emby) none of the metadata was lost. 
Sorry, that's Ember not Emby. There seems to be a rule here that new members cannot edit posts.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so it happened again. Then I did my workaround and everything was fine for one day and then... it happened again! I tried to look at the config file per the 2nd post but since mariadb is installed via QNAP I don't seem to have the file (that I can find). Does anyone have any suggestions?

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TV Shows "Titles" Not Connecting to Shows0