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Back button from video player to info screen and from info screen to home
Dear community,

I have been bugging myself over this problem for a while, and couldn't find a solution on the forum anywhere that fits my case. I hope that this thread is under the right subject, I'm a newbie so forgive me if I did something wrong.

Essentially when I click a poster, from for example the movie home screen, it takes me to the info page, where I can click play. But if I decide to click back from the the video player, it sends me to the file structure, and not to the (movie) home screen or the info page.
The same thing happens with TV shows, except here I can't go back after I clicked the 'Browse' button to look for episodes/seasons.

It is pretty annoying because I have to click 4-5 times depending on the type of content before I'm back at the home menu. There were solutions posted somewhere, but all had to do with a custom button of which I don't have one left (I have the Shield TV remote). And having a dedicated button for what another button could do too is not ideal.

I currently have the default skin of Kodi, but if the UI is pretty enough I'd consider switching, if that makes any difference.

So to summarise: is there a way that when you are in the video player and just finished a movie, you can click the back button and return to the home menu? (essentially just like a streaming service app would do)
Doesn't happen for me so we'll need a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
Wait; I made a mistake. I actually thought that it was for both movies and TV shows, but it isn't (I don't watch a lot of movies). So let me reinstate the problem:

Whenever I stop an episode or an episode is finished from a TV show, it goes (as it should) back to the episode overview. Clicking back goes to the season overview. But then clicking back again, doesn't bring me to TV Show home menu, but to the folder with all my TV shows (also the old tv shows that wont go away even after a library clean), then it brings me to a folder with 'Genres', 'Titles', 'Years' etc., then to Movies, TV shows, Files, Playlists, and only the next click brings me to the TV home menu again, where I can watch my next show.

I think it has something to do with that clicking 'browse' on a series brings you to the file system, and clicking back doesnt bring you back to where you were, but lets you go up in the file system. I dont know if this is common behaviour or not, but if it isn't I can share my logs. 

So to be clear; the movies work as they should but for some reason I didnt realise it, TV shows still has a problem
That's just the way it works if you click on 'browse' a TV show because you're being taken away from the home screen. Try clicking on the episodes instead.
What do you mean exactly by clicking on the episode? To get to the epoisode one must click on the 'browse' button right?
Sorry, forgot Estuary only shows random episodes and the rest are TV shows.

EDIT: change the default action back to play instead of info.
Just out of the top of my head, as I havent got access at this moment to my setup; can you set that action differently for movies and for TV shows? Because I like the way movies first show info.
No but you can use the info button on the home screen though.
Okay, sadly the Shield remote does not have a dedicated info button. I think I'll just have to live with it. 

Thank you for your help though! Smile
Well I'm still confused what exactly you want to see happen, so difficult to advise, for example I'm not clear what you mean by TV homeHuh Do you mean the TV section on the Home screen? also how you navigate to a section will influence how you back out of it so it would help if you described exactly what actions you take to start playing something. Might help on this occassion if you could explain using photo's.
Sorry, I thought it was clear. Yes, with the TV home menu I mean the home screen with the TV Shows. 

TV home menu -> TV show information -> Show seasons

If I then go back from here, I dont get back to TV show information, but instead I go to the folder containing all my TV shows (the folder, not the TV home menu) 

After this, there are two extra menus, and only after that it brings me back to the TV Home menu.

The solution for setting the clicking action to 'play' instead of 'show information' solves it. It sends me directly to the same seasons folder like the 'browse' button does, but this time hitting the back button sends me directly back to the TV home menu, like it should.

So the problem lies with the 'browse' button on the information page of a TV show. For some reason, it works differently then clicking 'play' on a TV show on the Home menu, even though they share the exact same function.
(2022-01-15, 13:44)Photographer01 Wrote: Okay, sadly the Shield remote does not have a dedicated info button.

I changed the Menu button to 'Send 'Menu' command to app' and then used the Keymap editor to assign it to Info.
Okay, Ill have to see how to configure it because I assigned all my buttons to other things already. I justed hoped that this would be solvable in the (from UX perspective) easiest way.
There's no way to change the current behaviour because as soon as you click 'browse' you're taken away from the home screen to the video library.
(2022-01-15, 21:30)Hitcher Wrote: There's no way to change the current behaviour because as soon as you click 'browse' you're taken away from the home screen to the video library.
But, clicking the TV Show thumbnail in the home menu with the setting 'play' instead of 'show info' takes me to exactly the same folder, and works. So the reason is not that the browse button works differently on the frontend, but it works differently on the backend. And i'd be surprised if that was a deliberate choice from the developers. If you'd want to go into the file structure you wouldn't do that through the browse button.

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Back button from video player to info screen and from info screen to home0