Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XML EPG source?
Hi, been using Kodi with mythtv as my DVR for years now. The program I used to download EPG data from, zap2xml is no longer being maintained. The script downloaded xml data from or Tvguide hasn't worked for me in a while, and now zap2it has changed something and the script no longer works. I'm looking for a solution to get EPG data for local over the air channels. I record programs on the mythtv box, and then use that as a server for multiple kodi boxes. Using HDHR tuner. I'm not married to mythtv if there's a better solution. The mythtv boards all push schedules direct since the developers own and charge for the service. Hoping there's a better, free way, since the info is widely available easily and for free at multiple sites...
Since you are using HDDR, may be helpful.
Hmm, thanks. Running that program though I'm getting a bunch of syntax errors. I don't know anything about python, IDK if it's because that script was written for an older version? I have 3.9.5 on my system.
Well, it would seem that there is no way to get a free XML program guide anymore. Ended up going with EIT data, which seems ok so fr, though not as good.
It still works. just well hidden.  also on github.
That's an old, (afaik) unmaintained script, and doesn't work with zap2it for quite a while. Have you been able to make it work?

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XML EPG source?0