Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved Storing media playback information along the file
Hello. I have a NAS where I have my movie files. I have a pc and a laptop. I was wondering, if kodi could be configured in a way so that it can store the playback information (like how much I've watched the movie) in a file in the same directory as the movie file. So I can watch the movie on my pc upto an hour, and then on laptop kodi reads the position and then continues playback from that point. Now I understand there are extensions for this (I believe its called trakt) but I was wondering if something like this is built in.
The information is stored in Kodi's database.

That information can be shared between devices with a MySQL (wiki) set-up, although it does need all of the devices to be on the same major Kodi version (Leia, Matrix, Nexus etc) and to all have access to the server or device storing the database and providing it.
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Thanks I've set it up and it works!
Thread marked solved.
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Storing media playback information along the file0