Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can I keep the visualization on-screen between songs?
I'm playing songs from Emby to Kodi via DLNA.  The Kodi machines are either x86 or RPI LibreElec 10.0.1.  Playback works great.

When playing back music, I'd like Kodi to stay on the "now playing" or full-screen visualization screen.  It keeps returning to the home screen between songs.  I suspect this is because Emby is sending one song at a time to Kodi.

Is there a way to make Kodi default to the now playing or visualization screen when playing music?

It will only play while there is music to play.
That's the thing, if Emby sends only one song at a time then as far as Kodi is concerned playback has ended at the end of each song as Kodi will only see a queue of one item. So the only to fix this is for Emby to properly queue all items (whether album or playlist) to Kodi so Kodi knows there is more than one item to play and thus remain on the viz window.
Seems reasonable, I'll bug Emby and see if they have any input.  Thanks!
Reading first post again you don't seem 100% sure that Emby sends a single track at a time. While playing something back out to library then go to Current Playlist / Now Playing (how it's named depends on skin, and button to it usually found on sidebar menu) and this will show if Kodi only has one item queued.

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Can I keep the visualization on-screen between songs?0