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Release Mezzmo Kodi addon UPnP/DLNA Library Sharing Support Thread
The Mezzmo Kodi addon is an addon designed to maximize your Kodi experience with and make sharing of your library, metadata and similar across multiple Kodi and non-Kodi clients as easy as possible.  While it was born out of providing a premium experience for Kodi with running  Mezzmo servers it also has support for most other uPNP servers.  Part of the design of the Mezzmo Kodi addon is to reduce time and complexity managing your library, sharing data, handling artwork, and dealing with numerous other addons often used to fill in missing gaps and functionality.  The addon now includes full GUI and native mode support all in a single addon, including the ability to bounce back and forth simultaneously.  A main goal is to automate and simplify running Kodi as much as possible.

Major Features:
If you are finding yourself spending too much time scraping metadata and artwork, dealing with SMB sharing issues, configuring scrapers, struggling with library deletions, fighting with artwork in your library, stuttering video streaming or managing a multitude of addons for much of the functionality described above and more, then you might want to look at a Mezzmo addon Kodi solution.  

If you are interested in more information:

Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki

How it works

Frequently asked questions

Getting started

Installation, Updates and Support

Managing your library 

Proposed new features

Feature requests and questions are very welcome,

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I've been able to resolve the PlayOn uPNP server issue and have fixed an obscure issue with Windows 10 native uPNP sharing of music files.  An updated version of the addon has been posted for Kodi Matrix.  I did complete back porting this to a Kodi 18 version, if anyone would like to try it. Testing was completed with Windows 10 uPNP sharing of pictures, which fully works. 

Here's the complete list of uPNP testing so far with this addon:

uPNP Server                  Media types and features

Mezzmo               Video, Music, Pictures and full Mezzmo integration (database sync, bookmark sharing, full metadata, rapid search and much more)
Windows 10        Video, Music, Pictures
Kodi 19                Video, Music
SiliconDust           Video
PlayOn                 Video

This list will get updated as testing continues or I get user reports.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Native uPNP detection and support has been added for older uPNP servers which stream media via uPNP vs. HTTP.  The new code will now detect whether the uPNP server supports HTTP or uPNP.  If it requires uPNP the addon will check whether it is enabled within Kodi Services and if not, will provide a dialog box to allow you to easily enable it. 

Here's the complete list of uPNP testing so far with this addon:

uPNP Server                  Media types and features

Mezzmo               Video, Music, Pictures and full Mezzmo integration (database sync, bookmark sharing, full metadata, rapid search and much more)
Windows 10        Video, Music, Pictures
Kodi 19                Video, Music
SiliconDust           Video
PlayOn                 Video
Tversity               Video, Music   (via uPNP protocol)
Plex                     Video, Music, Pictures  (via DLNA)
Synology NAS     Video, Music, Pictures
Twonky                Video, Music, Pictures

This list will get updated as testing continues or I get user reports.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new version of the Mezzmo addon multi-server test code has been posted.  This version,, has a number of enhancements and fixes:
  • Improved media type detection for non-Mezzmo uPNP servers
  • Fixed photo / image viewing not working
  • Added slideshow viewer with adjustable pause between photos for image viewing
  • Fixed exception error in the pause autostop feature when Kodi was unable to play a file

The photo / image slideshow feature is new. Right now there are no controls (i.e. pause,
stop etc..). The pause between images can be adjusted in the addon view settings.

A Kodi 18 and below version of this test addon code is available, if anyone would like.
Once this code has had a sufficient amount of testing, it will be rolled into the official code.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new version of the Mezzmo addon multi-server test code has been posted.  This version,, has a couple of enhancements and fixes:
  • Adds Pause, Resume/Play and Stop controls to the picture slideshow feature
  • Improved stability of the slideshow feature when certain uPNP platforms don't provide the file extension

I've tested this with all of the uPNP servers above which support images / pictures.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new version of the Mezzmo addon multi-server text code has been posted.  This version,, has a manual image viewing enhancement:
  • Adds manual viewing of pictures with option normal or delayed display times.  Normal is the same time as the slideshow timer.  Delayed is 3X the slideshow timer.

I've tested this with all of the uPNP servers above which support images / pictures.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I was hoping to solve my problem that Kodi lost its capability to display pictures via upnp with this plugin.
Unfortunately I can't get the plugin installed.
I followed the description on:
Downloaded for Kodi 19, extracted .Zip and tried to install.
However the installation crashes with a PythonToCppException.
I don't know how to find out, if my download includes the latest version version
Full Error Message
How can I fix this?
Thanks for any ideas.
(2022-02-12, 13:34)RaspiRo Wrote: I was hoping to solve my problem that Kodi lost its capability to display pictures via upnp with this plugin.
Unfortunately I can't get the plugin installed.
I followed the description on:
Downloaded for Kodi 19, extracted .Zip and tried to install.
However the installation crashes with a PythonToCppException.
I don't know how to find out, if my download includes the latest version version
Full Error Message
How can I fix this?
Thanks for any ideas.

I can certainly help you.  Please try this link to the test release which has the expanded picture support over uPNP.  When you download it don't unzip the MezzmoKodiPlugin-mstest,zip file.  Just go into Kodi and do an install from zipfile installation.  If you still get an error, please let me know.  The error you got is pretty obscure and poins to a potential problem with the installation.  What uPNP server are you using to host the pictures ?

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Hi Jeff
thanks a lot for that fix. Installation now without any problems
I can see the add-on in Pictures->Addons->Mezzmo
UPNP Server Refresh seems to be doing something.
However, when I go pack to Pictures and select the UPNP Server, I still only see the folders and file names, but no image is displayed.
Am I missing something?
(2022-02-13, 11:49)RaspiRo Wrote: Hi Jeff
thanks a lot for that fix. Installation now without any problems
I can see the add-on in Pictures->Addons->Mezzmo
UPNP Server Refresh seems to be doing something.
However, when I go pack to Pictures and select the UPNP Server, I still only see the folders and file names, but no image is displayed.
Am I missing something?


I am not sure when you downloaded the test release but I posted last evening, which makes browsing pictures a bit easier, especially when you have a mix of folders and pictures at the same level in your picture folder hierarchy.  

After the uPNP server refresh are you seeing your uPNP server ?  If not, you'll need to enable the ability to see non-Mezzmo uPNP servers in the settings.  it is under the view section in the addon settings.  Make sure it is disabled.  It is enabled by default since this addon is geared towards Mezzmo and all its capabilities.  Then after the uPNP server refresh / discovery you should see your uPNP server, select it and then go to photos and you should be able to browse pictures.  It will also give you prompts on whether you want to use the slideshow viewer.  You can disable this prompting in the same view settings as the non-Mezzmo uPNP setting option.  You'll need to stay in the addon to browse pictures since native uPNP displaying of pictures doesn't work in Kodi.  The addon displays them using HTTP to connect to the uPNP server. 

What brand of uPNP server are you using ? 

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new version of the Mezzmo addon multi-server text code has been posted.  This version,, has a number of enhancements and fixes:
  •  Added a GUI notification when browsing a playlist and the server returns
     no results due to it being empty on the server.
  • Restored picture viewing.  The new feature allows for viewing pictures in
    a slideshow or individually  with a normal or extended presentation time. 
    A View Setting was added to  allow adjusting the slideshow and picture
    presentation times. The slideshow has 3 controls:  Pause, Play / Resume,
    and Stop.  An additional View setting was added to enable / disable the
    slideshow feature.  The default is enabled.
  • Added ability to display pictures regardless of whether the addon is
    launched in Kodi under Pictures, Videos or Music.
  • Added / restored support for non-Mezzmo uPNP servers.  The addon will
    now detect the model of the uPNP server it is connecting to and will
    adjust capabilities to what the uPNP server will support.  Mezzmo advanced
    functionality like sync, bookmark / playcount sharing and more will only
    work with Mezzmo servers.
  • Added GUI progress notification during uPNP server discovery so you can
    now see what is happening.
  • Added setting for sync server selection.  This will allow syncing to your
    Mezzmo server while browsing another uPNP server or another Mezzmo server.
    If there is only one Mezzmo server found the addon will automatically make
    it the sync server.  Syncing to multiple Mezzmo servers isn't supported at
    this time. 

A Kodi 18 and below version of this test addon code is available, if anyone would like.
Once this code has had a sufficient amount of testing, it will be rolled into the official code.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Hi Jeff
I now installed
In the settings I enable the ability to see non-Mezzmo uPNP.
Now I see my Raspi-Kodi in addition as server, but the add-on does not list my UPNP server (however: kodi sees the upnp server, folder and files).
Any additional Idea?
(2022-02-13, 16:29)RaspiRo Wrote: Hi Jeff
I now installed
In the settings I enable the ability to see non-Mezzmo uPNP.
Now I see my Raspi-Kodi in addition as server, but the add-on does not list my UPNP server (however: kodi sees the upnp server, folder and files).
Any additional Idea?

Did you try to refresh when the uPNP server screen comes up ?  That will force the addon to retry discovering all uPNP servers.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Sorry, maybe I don't fully understand.
I have under Pictures -> Addons -> Mezzmo the addon.
the folder shows "Refresh" and now the Raspi-Kodi server. Ther si no other uPNP server here.
In Pictures->Files I can add a new source via Serach uPNP. Ther I see my Synology server.
Is there another location to refresh the servers?
(2022-02-13, 19:12)RaspiRo Wrote: Sorry, maybe I don't fully understand.
I have under Pictures -> Addons -> Mezzmo the addon.
the folder shows "Refresh" and now the Raspi-Kodi server. Ther si no other uPNP server here.
In Pictures->Files I can add a new source via Serach uPNP. Ther I see my Synology server.
Is there another location to refresh the servers?

Under Picture Addons, you should launch the Mezzmo addon.   It should then show a progress bar where it is searching for uPNP servers.  It will tell you how many it found in the progress bar and when it is done you will see a screen which has Refresh as the first option and then any uPNP servers it found listed below.  If your uPNP server isn't listed click on refresh.  Everything is done within the Mezzmo addon when you launch it.  You don't do anything with Kodi uPNP sources etc.. 

Here's an example from my system showing all of the uPNP servers it found with the Refresh option up top.


If the addon still doesn't see your Synology uPNP server then you might want to try changing the Server Search Time setting from 5 seconds to 10 in the addon Timers tab..  Unfortunately I don't have a Synology uPNP server to test with but the uPNP discovery process is straightforward.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
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Mezzmo Kodi addon UPnP/DLNA Library Sharing Support Thread0