2020-06-12, 16:41
Hello there,
Is there any option to get movie information when you are using an m3u file that has movies' url?
Something similar as when you add a new video source and use an information provider as "Universal movie Scapper" to get all the movie information based on the name of the file.
For instance if my M3u file has this entry:
#EXTINF:-1,[REC] (2007) (Horror; Mystery; Thriller)
I would like to be able to search on the "Universal movie Scapper" database all the information about movie "[REC] (2007) (Horror; Mystery; Thriller)".
My m3u file also has a Url behind, that I store in Google drive.
I did a temporary solution, create my one EPG data for these movies, but at the end this is not so accurate as is using "Universal movie Scapper" database or any other movie database that it's updated in real time.
I have read several forums about scraper, strm files and things like that, but at the end is such work that I prefer my own EPG data if there isn’t any other easiest option.
If it is not clear, please tell me.
Is there any option to get movie information when you are using an m3u file that has movies' url?
Something similar as when you add a new video source and use an information provider as "Universal movie Scapper" to get all the movie information based on the name of the file.
For instance if my M3u file has this entry:
#EXTINF:-1,[REC] (2007) (Horror; Mystery; Thriller)
I would like to be able to search on the "Universal movie Scapper" database all the information about movie "[REC] (2007) (Horror; Mystery; Thriller)".
My m3u file also has a Url behind, that I store in Google drive.
I did a temporary solution, create my one EPG data for these movies, but at the end this is not so accurate as is using "Universal movie Scapper" database or any other movie database that it's updated in real time.
I have read several forums about scraper, strm files and things like that, but at the end is such work that I prefer my own EPG data if there isn’t any other easiest option.
If it is not clear, please tell me.