2022-02-28, 12:44
(2022-02-27, 22:21)corus Wrote: Hey @mardukL first thanks for this amazing skin, for me it looks like it's almost ready as a daily skin on my Kodi devices&
I would love to see an fallback for music artwork (like in the titan skin), if the user disable music artwork (or no artwork is available)
and the user has defined a folder with custom music background pictures, they will shown as a global slideshow background and of course as background in the music player.
Maybe you could add this feature to your list
(2022-02-28, 01:12)kobyboy Wrote: Yes and yes that would be awesome
OK, so.
I need to sort things out.And currently will consider the following.
backgroundbuilding common :
- if artwork background enabled ( is based on currently focused item, i dont like to show an image which is not item related in that case )
TODO : will use a global fallback* image, which is not related to any artist/album , if album/song and artist art missing** - use album thumb (can be ugly if resolution is low, but only compromise)
* custom
** optional (due to low resolution possiblity), if disabled , use custom fallback
- if artwork background disabled : currently you can set a global fallback image
Questions : @corus , @kobyboy , and may @Others
a) Should i provide an option to show a slideshow of latest albumartist fanart ( rotating background of 10 images, which may contain the same artist , as it'll be based on latest 10 albums added and the belonging artist fanart, rotating multimage which can diffenciate between video,music )
or / and
b) Should i provide an option to show artwork of a user nominated folder (rotating multimage, which can diffenciate between video,music,picture,games )
backgroundbuilding musicplayer / musicvisualisation :
Question : @corus , @kobyboy , and may @Others
a) Should i also provide an option to show artwork of a user nominated folder (rotating multimage) here, when musicplayer background-artwork is disabled (which is than not song/artist , but music related)?
( currently it show at least 1 image which is the album thumb )
Did i miss something else ??
EDIT: @corus , @kobyboy, also please test the new settings , if they matching one part (backgroundbuilding common, optiona a - as descriped above ) of the request
Pushed Update: v *.1.40
• fanartbackground / skinsettings
- when disbaled fanartbackground (item related) disabled, you can toggle settings to enable item unrelated rotating fanart as background
MUSIC : rotating artist fanart of latest 10 albums
VIDEO : rotating fanart of latest 10 movies,episodes,musicvideos
• home
- able to use rotating fanart (item related)
• pictureinformation dialog
- fix (experimental) next/previouspic when hit up/down in pictureinfo / Dialogpictureinfo.xml
• some code cleanup,refactoring
- change window open animation for media windows (zoom-fade,instead slide) - inkclude: Animation_OpenClose_MediaWindow