DiMag - i have in fact created, well copy&pasted, then tinkered a new button set (a set of 5 buttons)
the 'floorreturnbuttons' in Includes.xml
regarding the multi widget button - if i click on it, it shows 3 widgets (latest movies, tv shows, & music) - but at the moment, no settings other than to show them(paths are set in the code and not via settings) the method to do this is on the kodi-wiki. (5min job)
i tinker constantly, and by no means is this the finished article
most of everything ive done is just a copy&paste and then a tweak
here is the code for the reloadskin button
<control type="radiobutton" id="26">
<description>ReloadSkin push button</description>
<texturefocus border="5" colordiffuse="$VAR[MainColorTwo]">floor_buttonFO.png</texturefocus>
<texturenofocus border="5">floor_button.png</texturenofocus>
basically i just delete the .pngs and add a label and font
(add.) - notice i added <align> tag, and also in the <label> tag, ive added [CR] instead of a space, this puts one word above the other