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Bug Kodi not disabling subtitles in MKV
Find attached the debug log. Here are the steps I followed.

- Open Kodi
- Go to File Manager and playback the video file
- Jump forward in video to a dialogue scene
- Subtitles are visible (Subtitles are toggled OFF at this point)
- Go to OSD -> Subtitles -> Toggle subtitles ON and OFF again
- Go back to video -> Subtitles still visible
- Pause playback and leave player
- Close Kodi


Any help is appreciated! Currently the only workaround is to remove the subtitles entirely from the mkv file.
Tahnks for the log.  I don't see anything amiss.  The selection of the "forced" subhtitle I think is correct, but it should obey the toggle (I use keypress  "t").  That's how it works on my system.  But will think about this some more.

scott s.
Thank you for looking into it. What do you mean with "forced" subtitle selection? The video file does not have a forced subtitle track. The existing subtitle track is not marked as forced either, see the media info in my previous post.
It is a normal subititle track for the full dialogue that is shown even though subtitles are toggled to off, which makes it so annoying.

If there's anything else I can provide to help, please let me know.
Was looking at forced to see if that made a difference, but nope, it just affects selection not play.  I don't use PGS subs ever, but did have a couple to look at and they seem to work as expected.

I don't see why it would make a difference but have you ever tried the <t> key instead of the OSD menu?

scott s.
Tried with <t>, the player shows a little pop-up that switches between "disabled" and the name of the subtitle track. But in any case, subtitles are shown at all times.

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Kodi not disabling subtitles in MKV1