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some files kodi arent able to skip in (repairable with mkvmerge)
Hello, sometimes kodi cant skip within a file, what I do then is use mkvmerge to recreate the mkv and then it works.
Anyways my question is if I can find out what makes kodi not being able to skip(jump) in certain files so I can create a script and find them.
below is example of a file I found, showing output from ffprobe and mkvinfo

working ->

broke ->

best regards
Debug log might show why not but also run ffprobe with -show_streams option

scott s.
thanks, i will supply.
When I was going to fix the kodi debug log I noticed that I could skip in the file if it was local, I usually use webdav/http.
Anyways when using http again it stopped being skipable, so I guess real issue is some files arent skipable if played over http.

kodi debug log ->

ffprobe --show-streams 

broke ->

fixed ->
Tags are a problem?
Tags? What do you mean?

edit: ah, in the subtitles. No idea.. 
disabling subtitles didnt help atleast.
I vaguely recall something about playback issues being caused by the header part of the mkv being corrupted which running through mkvmerge could fix, I haven't got the time to do any searching just mentioning it in case it helps with any searches you're doing to identify issue.
didnt find anything useful Sad
any errors in the webserver logs? You could also enable curl debug logging

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some files kodi arent able to skip in (repairable with mkvmerge)0