Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Why can I only view matched files in my TV/Movie/Music library?
I have a large collection of videos that will never match due to being home recordings, that I want to include in my media library, however, because they will never match online, they don't show up in the library. How Can I fix this? Can I not view matched & unmatched content side by side in my library? I'm aware I can view the event log to see which files are unmatched, but that's not what I'm trying to do. Why can't it just fall back to the local scraper if the file can't be matched on any other online scrapers?
Use an NFO (wiki) file for each of them. Place each one beside the relevant media file in your source then scan.

It will be some manual work to create each, but Kodi will pick the file up and use it for metadata and inclusion into your library.
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Might take a look at Media Companion (if you are on windows) in the supplementary tools forum.  I use it for any videos that don't scrape.  It also has a feature of capturing a frame grab that you can use as a poster art.

scott s.

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Why can I only view matched files in my TV/Movie/Music library?0