Make display of album and disc artwork larger?
I recently switched to Rapier skin from stock, because it supports the display of my "discart.png" pictures, and spins them nicely along with a pic of the album cover. 

Love the new skin, but in the player view, the spinning disc and album cover display is relegated to the lower corner and are rather small.  I spent a lot of time and have some really high-quality disc art and cover pix.  I'd like to see them in a larger format.   

I'm wondering if there's a way to either make the spinning display larger or if there's another skin that displays the discart.png and album cover jpg more prominently?
Hi @oatmeal769.

Thanks so much for the support and the kind words.

It's made that way by design, to make room for fanart and also for video lyrics:


Changing the size would mean everything would have to be changed.
The only way I see is if you edit the skin xml files yourself.

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Make display of album and disc artwork larger?0