No rights to store subtitles on NFS share
I am using LibreELEC 9.2.8 with Linux Kernel 4.19.127 on an Raspberry Pi 2B. The video content is on an NFS server in the local network.
Kodi does find the server and I can access the content.

I use the AddOn. It is configured to store the subtitles in the same folder as the videos. It finds subtitles in the internet and also use them while the film is running. But the subtitle files are not stored in the folder. There is not error message about that.

I assume this is because there are not enough rights. When I log into the server via SSH and modify the folder rights (via sudo chmod) manually. The AddOn is able to store the subtitles. I give the "others" group write access to that folder.

Here you see the configuration of that share which has "rw" access.
$ cat /etc/exports | grep Media | grep 31

The problematic folder rights are this, shown via SSH-shell on the server

But when I modify them to this the subtitle thing work

I learned that the NFS shares are not mounted the "usual way". There is no mount point in the underlying GNU Linux system.
I'm thinking that Kodi is using a different NFS user than the NFS system, and thus the write problem starts.
(2022-04-15, 16:15)Klojum Wrote: I'm thinking that Kodi is using a different NFS user than the NFS system, and thus the write problem starts.
I think so, too. But how can I influence that behavior?
(2022-04-16, 06:22)MoonKid Wrote: But how can I influence that behavior?

No idea what PC/NAS or OS you have as a NFS server, but the export setting on the share of my Ubuntu server is a bit more elaborate.
with user 1000 being the sole normal user on the Ubuntu server.

In NASes like Synology, NFS access is usually linked to the Admin account, giving it access to just about everything.
(2022-04-16, 07:10)Klojum Wrote: /media/videos,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000)
with user 1000 being the sole normal user on the Ubuntu server.
Thanks a lot for your example. I am using Debian old-stable (currently it is 10.12) on the server.

You mean with "anonuid" and "anongid" I can make the Kodi-NFS-Client act as that specific user/group?
(2022-04-17, 17:32)MoonKid Wrote: Thanks a lot for your example. I am using Debian old-stable (currently it is 10.12) on the server.

You mean with "anonuid" and "anongid" I can make the Kodi-NFS-Client act as that specific user/group?

Yes, if an anonymous user connects the server assumes its anonuid:anongid.
I usually combine with all_squash (which basically assumes every connection is anonymous) for local shares at home

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No rights to store subtitles on NFS share0