So this is all a very loaded question. Let me get expectations in check.
First, a built lib of libbluray 1.3.0 for windows has been done by Paxxi. It hasnt been tested, from memory it wasnt done for all the arch types (ie the obscure windows/uwp arm shit), and more importantly, no one else in the team with time has done anything with those libes.
Secondly, ill be blunt here, the way windows dev is done using precompiled libs, essentially means we will not ever use a precompiled lib from anyone other than a team member. Its just not going to happen. Dont take offense to this, but precompiled libs are sketchy as is, but at least theres already an element of trust in team members that make it acceptable to a point. If you want to deal with windows libs, the only channel anything will get done currently is by going and working through
Even with that, the one team member who maintains and manages it, still has very little time, so dont expect anything.
As for what you are actually after, what is it you are expecting from the lib bump? If its anything using new API's (ie the mouse or change in input apis), doing just a lib bump doesnt magically make any of that work. This is the same for every platform. If you want to make use of "new" apis in a lib such as libbluray, PR the code changes that make the lib bump worthwhile. If you cant, then what does the lib bump actually get us?
Regarding actual non CI builds of linux, linux uses shared libs, not statically compiled libs. So essentially it uses what the system provides through however it handles system libs.