Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Systemwide Conditional Weather
I am having a hard time figuring out how to get weather fanart (conditional weather) to show system-wide. It does show up when you scroll to the weather category but every other category has the default blue background. There does not seem to be a way for me to change this. conditional is set to show in home window and category level.
I am wondering if I need to change something in the xml or if maybe I am missing a setting somewhere. thank you for your time.
to add as I cant seem to edit: show in all windows is also selected under weather
Hi @xechostormx

You can get the weather notification (top right) to show in all windows.

Weather fanart can either only show in the home window or in the home window and category level (which is the weather window).
There's no setting to show it in all windows (same for all other fanart).

To display weather fanart in all windows you have to edit the skin xml files yourself.
Thanks for letting me know Gade, I figured that was the case and I might actually try to tackle it as a semi fun project. I have tried pretty much every skin in the official and skinbase repose plus a few in development and none are as well designed for mouse, pvr, shortcut icons and useability for a little old man as Rapier is. Thanks for actively maintaining it for all this time Smile
Thanks so much for the kind words. It really means a lot. Wink

Sounds fun to solve it yourself.
Just make sure to make a skin copy with another name and add-on ID, as new skin updates will replace all content in the skin folder.
And I always recommend keeping the skin up to date at all times.

I might actually make the cover and disc bigger at some point though.
I put it on my long to-do-list. Wink

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