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Release Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 1
That would explain it. Well, guess no weather then.. lol. 
Thanks again for your assistance. Oh - absolutely, 1080p on OSMC was simply a no-go. Even 720p struggled. So overall, Kinos does more justice to this legacy ATV1.
Thanks to Soli for the perfect work. I have an ATV1 with a built-in wifi card and I could not find an option in Kino to enable it in the settings, I would be very grateful for any instructions on how to set up wifi, in our house we can only use a wireless connection. Sorry for the newbie question.
5. An ncurses based gui for network connections/wifi. Just SHH in and type "connman_ncurses" to configure WiFi. It's basically an one time "set it and forget it".
I have been using this release successfully for several months, many thanks to Soli!!!
Yesterday the video went all bright with scan lines and I couldn't do anything except pull the plug and reboot. It booted up to the "K" logo screen and froze.
So I decided to reinstall everything from the USB stick. The install went OK, but the end result is the same. The system hangs at the "K" logo screen.
What should I try next?
Thanks in advance.
Is there a log file I can look at to tell me what has caused it to stop? I can access the ATV1 via winscp.
Maybe u could try to force the hdmi mode. Just edit the .kinosrc file. But the fact that also happened on a reinstall, makes me think the problem might be elsewhere, or the nvidia gpu is faulty or something.
Has anyone here upgraded to Sata or mSata for a hard drive? I know boot speed will improve.  Just wondering if I should upgrade.
I use an msata/2.5 ide adapter. Plug and play.

I’m getting speeds above 80MBs, and generally everything is much snappier. You should be able to get one cheap on Ebay or Aliexpress.
Years ago I tried external sata to ide adapters, and it was a pain in the butt and didnt really fit at all.
Good to know about the mSATA to IDE adapter method working in ATV1! Thanks Soli.

I have good news on my end too. It surprised me that OTA ATSC TV USB stick fed to TVheadend server and client(s), that it is almost perfect locally on the ATV1, no broken up graphics problem as it is on my Xiaomi MiBox 3 running Android 9, and Kodi 19.3 and TVheadend client. However, there is a small problem, that it will re-buffer in about once per minute. So I think the above SSD method will fix it (My friend has some left over IDE SSD drives, I might ask him for it to experiment with, instead of buying new adapter as I do not have any left over mSATA drives around.)

It is surprising to me as the MiBox 3 is supposed to be a "4K streaming box" yet it cannot handle the raw ATSC OTA data, which I think is MPEG2 (I forgot). The particular challenging channel is a 720p channel. And the same channel is very smooth on the ATV1 (except the rebuffering from time to time).

Regardless, now I have a silent TVheadend server (and PVR, thus I keep the original drive inside, as I want larger space), which isn't hard to do with typical PC components (and not cheap).

So this Kinos 2, is worth the long wait, and finally it has not only Kodi, TVheadend (which I attempted to install in Kinos 1, if you remember), but also the drivers needed for the Hauppauge ATSC tuner stick.

Thanks again to Soli for Kinos 1 and Kinos 2. It is just amazing that this box is still so useful today, and also beautiful to look at, as it's an Apple product after all.

Yes, the msata-adapter should be a worthwhile upgrade, and I think an msata might solve the slight buffering issues. But it may be possible to fix it without it too:

you could try changing "vm.swappiness" from 80 or whatever it is to 99 or 100 in /etc/sysctl.conf/20-localtweaks.conf and see it that makes any difference.

Also you could try looking into /usr/share/kodi/system/advancedsettings.xml and try some new values.
        <!--buffermode>0</buffermode> <!-- Default is 0 and works great -->
        <cachemembuffersize>5242880</cachemembuffersize> <!-- Default is 20971520 Bytes / 20 MB -->
        <readbufferfactor>4</readbufferfactor> <!-- Default 1 -->
Look here for an overview: https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Modify_the_video_cache
Let me know how it goes. I probably have some time this easter and might release an update (a fix for redirected iptv streams and updates to retroarch etc) and could implement the changes.
Nice to see people still interested in this nice old box from apple.
Wondering if this splitter would work on the ATV1, for plugging both wifi card and crystal decoder. Or crystal decoder and a mpcie ssd...

I'm watching some dosdude videos on YouTube and he's being successful at upgrading macs with soldered ram. Wondering if a work like this could be done on the ATV1, upgrading the CPU, ram and vram...

ATV1 is a fun to tinker with. Thanks Soli for the awesome work with Kinos
Hello to all! First of all I want to thanks this great community for keeping alive such a old device!
My question is not related directly to Kinos2, but maybe author of this system can help me. I'm trying to boot newest Arch Linux 32 from bootable USB, but unsuccessfully. What I tried:
  1. I follow instructions for creating atv-bootloader USB from this wiki
  2. At first, I couldn't locate recovery-0.6.tar.xz archive so I user prebuild image from there
  3. I cloned/copied that image using DD on Linux to my USB drive
  4. I succesfully booted from USB and now I have problem while booting live installation from bootable USB
If I understand correctly, that prebuild ATV-BOOTLOADER USB have minimal linux that has "kexec" which allows me to boot any linux distribution. I read on wiki about kexec and it's parameters but I don't know what am I doing wrong. This is commad that I used to load live installation from USB:
Quote:mount /dev/sdc1 cdrom/
kexec --load cdrom/arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz-linux --initrd=cdrom/arch/boot/i686/initramfs-linux.img --command-line="archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH32_2022.05.02"
kexec -e
And after executing "kexec -e" boot starts but I get this error: 

I also tried Ubuntu Minimal Install ISO and there I get similar error. Any help is appreciated Smile
I tried to boot arch 32 some years ago and had same issues as you're having.
Hadn't the proper time do deal with it so I stop trying.
While I cant help you with these issues I've found the internet archive link where I downloaded the recovery image back then.

here's the link


Hope this helps in some way
Problem was in RAM. 256MB is not enough to boot any modern linux distro. You need at least 512MB for Arch Linux 32 and same goes for most linux distributions. After finding that, I successfully installed Lubuntu 18.04.5 using 'alternate install image'. If I understood correctly this image doesn't copy anything to RAM, everything is run from bootable media (in my case it's CD). You could try installing Arch Linux 32 on another system using pacstrap and then booting it using atv-bootloader. But I currently dont have time for that. Another problem with Arch Linux is that there is no any support for GeForce 7 series and older GPUs so I will stick with Ubuntu/Debian distros. As I said earlier I've managed to install Lubuntu 18.04 but I'm missing nvidia drivers. I've found on intertnet that it is possible to install Nvidia 304 drivers and when I get time I'll try and inform you. I've also installed Kodi 19.4 Matrix but because of missing GPU drivers perfomances were really bad (unusable).
I have no experience with arch, but it should be possible to boot. 
I am really not sure anymore, but I think i built a new kernel for atvboot, to support Ext4 for the installer (and some other stuff I don't really remember..) And I then use ATV-Boot to build a special kernel that boots directly with the right kernel parameter. Using Atvboot 0.6 to kexec a new kernel as it doesn't Ext4 and doesnt support Grub2 either. 
Probably the easiest thing would to be install arch 32bit on a modern pc. Then just tar/xz the filesystem and send it to me in PM. I'll make an installer that installs it on the ATV. it would be easiest if you manage to install nvidia-304 first (I found a patch that works with Kernel 4.19, but I don't know if there exists patches to make it work with later kernels)

ssh in
sudo mkdir /arch-for-atv
cd /
sXZ_OPT=-9e sudo tar -cvp --one-file-system --exclude "/arch-for-atv/arch-for-atv.tar.xz" * | xz -9e > /arch-for-atv/arch-for-atv.tar.xz 
I think that should do it, using the best compression settings so it might take a while.

I originally planned Kinos2 to use Ubuntu 18.04, but 14.04 ran a bit better and did everything I wanted (though using 18.04 would make a few things easier) so I stuck with 14.04.
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Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 10