Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
DVBLogic re-activation, TVMosaic CE doesn't recognize TV Butler
Dear Forum!

Some years ago I purchased a DVBLogic + TV Butler tuner bundle.
Unfortunately my NAS broke down after about a year.

Now I got a replacement NAS and I found out that I have to re-activate my DVB Logic license due to different HW footprint.
I sent a reqest to but my request didn't get processed.

Now I installed TVMosaic Community edition  (qpackage download) but there my TV Butler DVB-C Stick doesn't get recognized. When I try to add a tuner manually only IPTV Tuners are supported.

- How can I use my TV Butler stick with TVMosaic CE or is it only for IPTV?
- some forum entries report that they use docker TVMosaic Community edition with TV Butler. Is there a how-to install and configure the docker image

- DVBLogic did anybody got answers form recently? I tried manual activation online and with the bin file but system says that license is already activated. Is there some other way to activate on my replancement NAS?

Thank you very much for your help!
You might have already solved this, but you should be able to reset the paid license in their portal. The CE edition only supports dvb drivers in Windows. Could not find it just now, but I read somewhere that dvblogic raised the number of allowed resets after they quit.

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DVBLogic re-activation, TVMosaic CE doesn't recognize TV Butler0