Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
instruct kodi to start playback of .strm file (or .m3u) at X seconds from start.

I am using .strm files to point to "hardcoded" IPTV streams.

I made those stream seek-able by adding :


At the start of the file , and then kodi can seek back and forth in the stream.

What i am missing is a way to instruct kodi to start the stream X seconds from the start of them stream (currently kodi start the playback always near the "current end" of the stream).

I saw that scripting supports "startoffset" , but when adding #KODIPROP:startoffset=900 i see no difference.

Is this at all possbile ? is there a documentation page for supported #KODIPROP ?

Thanks in advance.
From absence of replies i understand this is not possible ? or my question was not clear enough ?

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instruct kodi to start playback of .strm file (or .m3u) at X seconds from start.0