Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi Does Not Recognise pre-1902 production dates
#31, between all the test I was with the other scrapper, I try again with the python one and is able to find the movie using "tt0392728", but once I select the movie it loads with the incorrect date..

..So I will try with the db edit thing, a couple of questions before I screw up things..

- when you say access from linux, you mean like remotely connect to the kodi db on the androidtv box? (like using the IP of the androidtv and some db port?), or like copying the db to my linux machine, edit and then restore the file back to androidtv?..
- if I edit the db a later scrap on that source will find the video as "change" and update from internet again? (like overriding the edit?)
- I looking to setup a shared library for all my devices, if so, I will need to only edit the shared db or kodi still keeps a data copy that will need to be edit?

Thanks and let me know if I can produce any relevant piece of info to address the issue..
(2022-06-12, 00:26)buhochileno Wrote: or like copying the db to my linux machine, edit and then restore the file back to androidtv?..
This one.
But, I don't use either linux or Android. Maybe @Klojum knows a better way.

(2022-06-12, 00:26)buhochileno Wrote: if I edit the db a later scrap on that source will find the video as "change" and update from internet again? (like overriding the edit?)
If you change the date in the database, then come along and rescrape/refresh the movie, then yes it will override the changes you make and add the wrong date again.

(2022-06-12, 00:26)buhochileno Wrote: I looking to setup a shared library for all my devices, if so, I will need to only edit the shared db or kodi still keeps a data copy that will need to be edit?
Just the shared DB should be edited.
But from what I understand, if you scan/scrape into the shared MySQL/MariaDB using a 64bit machine then you won't have this problem. It only affects scanning nfo files or scraping online when using 32 bit devices.
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(2022-06-12, 00:26)buhochileno Wrote: when you say access from linux, you mean like remotely connect to the kodi db on the androidtv box? (like using the IP of the androidtv and some db port?), or like copying the db to my linux machine, edit and then restore the file back to androidtv?

SQLite database files were not designed for multi-user situations. That's where MySQL/MariaDB comes in.
SQLite files are simple files which can be copied and pasted elsewhere with your preferred File Manager. MySQL/MariaDB you don't need to move around.

...sorry is me again :-P ...I postponed the whole "fix directly the db" thing until I get a central way to share the library so I will be able to fix all my kodi devices (all of them the same mi box androidtv with kodi matrix..)... after some time organizing the library I decide to use emby as central library server ..I setup everything and test the kodi emby plugin to connect to the server library...all great on kodi on my pc in term of years, pre 1902 show up with the correct year...But doing the same on my androidtv and you will not believe me but years was still incorrect as future years!!!...this time the info for kodi was coming from emby server not kodi scraping the nfo files..(the "future year folders" are empty this time, I try to update and rebuild the library with the same results)...

I check again the .nfo files and they are with the correct pre 1902 years and premiere date fields..

So I decide to look directly at the kodi MyVideos119.db ...To my surprise in movie table, the c07 (year) and premiered are with the Correct Dates!! ...for tinstance, the Roundhay Garden Scene c07 = 1888 and premiered = 1888-10-14T04:00:00.0000000+00:00 far as I can see with the same format as other more recent movies that show up the year correctly...

I follow the path and videoname related fields/columns into the other tables and everything seems correct (not pointing to something null, etc..)...Just to be sure that kodi was indeed using that db in conjunction with emby, I make some date changes in other more recent movies directly on the db and then replace the file back at the android tv box, after launching kodi it pick up the changes immediately, so it is using the db...

For any other movie I can change the year in emby server and kodi will update the field automatically (just meaning that it work correctly for other movies), but with pre-1902 movies it refuse to show the year correctly even if is properly set on the DB!! ...

So, as far as I can conclude, is something related to the UI, there is any processor function/script, etc that read the movie table to "fill the years" in the UI?

I was sure that I was going to find the incorrect years in the db and it will be a matter of just manually update 20 or something rows, but now I completely lost...

Please guys any ideas!! frustrating after so long and  so annoying and ironic btw to see the oldest historical films as future releases :-P

Thanks in advance for any idea...I willing to manipulate any UI or other file to fix this..

...damn, not luck,...I moving to emby, not worthy to keep trying with kodi, everything is correctly recognized with emby as with jellyfin and plex...

Thanks for everything...

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Kodi Does Not Recognise pre-1902 production dates0