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Solved Why doesn't KODI read a tvshow.nfo file ?
I hate to wake up the old thread here but my topic fits very well.

My python script creates a movie.nfo like the following when an imdb-link is found:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Together with the mentioned option of the scaper that the movies have to be in seprarate folders, this part works very well!

But my problem is the tvshow.nfo. I wanna add some logic for tv-series too. I like it to have one nfo-file for each tv-show like I use to have one movie.nfo for each movie.
I actually only use the nfo files as imdb link source to be able to assign content 100% and to minimise wrong assignments.

If I understand the tvshow wiki correctly I would have to create a tvshow.nfo for my tvshows on the level of the season folders (season01, season02...) and then still in respective season folders for each episode a nfo with the same file name as the respective video file.
Is there no way to keep effort smaller?
I don't even know what my tvshow.nfo content should look like equivalent to movie.nfo.
Could it be like?:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

I would love to get some more details about this.
(2022-06-13, 17:06)HushPeter Wrote: I hate to wake up the old thread here but my topic fits very well.

Things have changed a bit since a couple of years, one of which is the Python version in Kodi.
You're also referring to a tvshow.nfo and not a movie.nfo file.
Thus your post has been split into a new thread.
(2022-06-13, 17:06)HushPeter Wrote: I would love to get some more details about this.
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Awesome! That worked.

Sorry for this thread. But perhaps it help some other members to find the right information.

Thank you @Karellen
Thread marked solved.
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Why doesn't KODI read a tvshow.nfo file ?0