Req [] Separate (Episode)name from Title
When you are watching e.g. "StarTrek: Enterprise" on, the (Episode)name is added to the Title of the show after a colon ":" --> e.g. "StarTrek: Enterprise: Gesetze der Jagd"
This makes it hard to search for Artwork.

Can you please separate the Episodename from the title? I know, EPG from PlutoTV is not the best one Wink
Having a look at the source, both, Episodename and title are visible.
title (with Episodename):

How about "substracting" Episodename from title, so you have "Title" and "Epsiodename" populated in Kodi?
Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
I implemented a solution in this Pull Request. If series name & episode title are available, we can use these values.

Unfortunately, I cannot test atm.

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[] Separate (Episode)name from Title0