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shared database

I have a rapberry pi serving as a support for a shared kodi database, as well as an NFS server for my media.
I added to each client device the advancedsettings.xml file so that it knows the shared database.

My question is the following: in my understanding, the shared database only shares the viewing states etc... of the media. But it has nothing to do with the source folders that each kodi on each client device chooses to include in its media library.
However when I add the advancedsettings.xml file to a new device, without adding any source folder in the media library, this new kodi shows me all the movies and series with their viewing status.

So I don't really understand what this database shares. In the case where it also shares the source folders, it is therefore sufficient to add a new folder to its media library on a single device using the shared database so that all the other Kodi clients offer its content? If this Kodi deletes the source file, does that also delete it for everyone else?

Thanks in advance
Your understanding isn't quite right.  As you've seen, the database shares the media library entries.  If you want to add things to the shared library, you need the sources defined, but if you are just viewing what's there, you don't need sources on each client.
Okay, thank you for these explanations

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