Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Moving sources, a couple of clarifications if i may?
Hi All.

Ive had a reshuffle on the server and i need to move some sources.

Now ive read the various guides, and it says to backup the library to create nfo files, then move the files, then update library then all should be well.

Ive already copied the data to the new location, i havent deleted the existing data yet though. If i do the backup and the nfo files are created, presumably they will be where the existing files are, and i should copy them across to the new location before i delete all the stuff from the old location? Hope that makes sense.

Then clean library to get rid of all the doubles i assume? Will this then remove all the nfo files? Or will they be there for ever more?

Will the watched status be copied across too? Or is this a seperate step?

NFO files won't be deleted during a library clean. Cleaning the library will remove entries in the DB Kodi can't find a path for. So Kodi will check if a path with a filename exists and if not, it will remove the entry from the DB.

Watched states are exported to the NFO files. But those aren't imported automatically. To import watched states from NFO files you have to create an "advancedsettings.xml" file at your user data folder and fill it with


You might want to import resume points as well Wink

ok, i did all that, created all the nfo files. Scan for new content, and its scraping the whole lot again... i must have done something wrong. Its going to take forever. then i need to clean the library... that takes forever too.
That's somewhat strange. Kodi should prefer local info over online info.

Have you tried setting the scraper to use "local info only"?

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Moving sources, a couple of clarifications if i may?0