Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v20 IP rtsp camera stream not working with kodi 20, but with 19.3
hello, I have a IP Camera with rtsp protocol for networking.

With Kodi 19.3 i can watch the stream without problems, but with Kodi 20.0 its not showing, it gives a endless loading circle icon and crashes with pressing end playback button.
what could be the problem?

thats the input of the camera1.strm file: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:10554/udp/av0_0
and yes, the file is the same on both devices and is working correctly on vlc too.

kodi 19.3 log (working camera stream)

kodi 20.0 alpha (not playing stream)
(2022-02-19, 15:13)menou Wrote: kodi 20.0 alpha (not playing stream)

Kindly remove that one wizard repo from your Kodi 20 setup.
done, but why? Sorry, I used openwizard only for deleting caches.
How can I solve the first problem?
(2022-02-20, 12:50)menou Wrote: done, but why?
There is a piracy policy (wiki) in place on this forum, as part of the forum rules (wiki). Anything remotely linked to piracy will not get support. As simple as that.
Moreover, such add-ons are also known to sometimes disrupt Kodi functionality.

(2022-02-20, 12:50)menou Wrote: How can I solve the first problem?
Someone with rtsp experience will have to take a deeper look into it.
Hi together! (I'm new here Smile )

Is there any news on this?
I see a similar behavior on my systems (Libreelec nightly running Kodi 19.90.705). The older Kodi 19 plays well, but Kodi 20 ALPHA shows the endless spinner and doesn't load the video. The camera is a Reolink RLC-511W and I try to play the main stream URL (format of the URL: rtsp://admin:mypassword@hostname:554/h264Preview_01_main)

The failing Log is here:
The IP address:port in the Log is because there is a local SSH tunnel to the destination network. But this hasn't been a problem for Kodi 19 and works well on my Ubuntu System with VLC.

Would it help to create a bug report on github xbmc?
Anything else that I can provide which is of any help?
Here is the corresponding bugreport:

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IP rtsp camera stream not working with kodi 20, but with 19.30