Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Why kodi doesn't display on the TV ?
Hello everybody, (sorry for my bad English).
I was wondering why my Kodi doesn't display systematically on the TV. I always have to reboot Kodi to make it show something on a screen... Can you help me ? Thanks !
Sorry, but our crystal ball doesn't have a clue how Kodi is actually running: on the TV itself or on some external device?

Provding a debug log (wiki) could also help us out.
Simply shut Kodi down if you turn off your TV.
Just guessing, but I think the problem is handshake / EDID over HDMI.  Like the notorious "pin 19" problem.

scott s.

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Why kodi doesn't display on the TV ?0