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Release Mezzmo Kodi addon UPnP/DLNA Library Sharing Support Thread
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.4) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.4) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain two minor
enhancements and v2.1.6.4 is focused on supporting Kodi 20, Nexus, including
support of a new rendering method for improved performance when running in the
normal GUI mode. This will improve the speed at which playlists display, especially
large playlists on lower powered devices. Additional Nexus testing will occur as the
beta and production processes occur.

v1.1.6.4 Kodi 18

• Fixed issue where movie title may not always appear in the video information
panel when using the Estuary skin.
• Improved artwork detection and metadata for certain uPNP servers.

v2.1.6.4 Kodi 19+

• Fixed issue where movie title may not always appear in the video information
panel when using the Estuary skin.
• Improved artwork detection and metadata for certain uPNP servers.
• Added support for new Nexus 20 metadata rendering method for Mezzmo and Generic
uPNP servers.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.4 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

*** Note for Kodi Nexus 20 users ***

Please keep an eye out for items not displaying when browsing your Mezzmo or uPNP playlists. The
new Nexus 20 rendering method is quite a bit different than Kodi 19 and before so there is a lot of new
code in use. I've tried to test for all possibilities but there could still be situations where a playlist
may get truncated or doesn't display due to something unique being received from the server being
browsed. If you experience this, please let me know right away.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I've created a new Wiki page in order to highlight new proposed features for the Mezzmo
Kodi addon. With the Wiki page it is now much easier to provide provide some screenshots
of what the new features might look like and get feedback. Currently there are 3 new feature
proposals being considered.

Quick Play

Movie Sets

Movie Versions

As new features are proposed they will be added and as they are adopted they will be
removed from the proposal Wiki page. Features which are proposed but not adopted
(i.e. complexity, redundancy etc..) will be moved to the bottom.

Feedback is very welcome on the proposed features as well as any new features you
might be interested in seeing added.

Additionally I've spent quite a bit of time updating the Wiki page for Managing Your Library
and Movie Trailers.  New topics include: Deleting Content, Backup and Restore, and Local
Movie Trailers.

I hope you find these helpful.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new proposed feature called Immediate Full Sync has been added to the Proposed New Features Wiki page.

Brief Description:

Currently the Mezzmo Kodi addon allows clearing of the Mezzmo data in the Kodi database via the addon settings option "Kodi DB clear Mezzmo data on startup".  This Immediate Full Sync proposal would modify this setting adding an option to allow a  clearing of all Mezzmo data in the Kodi DB followed by an immediate full resynchronization of Mezzmo to Kodi DB with a progress indicator dialog box.  Currently when you clear your Kodi database the background sync process handles the rebuild, which takes longer.  

This feature request seems very helpful and is likely to be implemented.  Feedback is welcome.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.5) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.5) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a bug
fix, some minor tweaks and a new feature enhancements which allows a full
resync of your Kodi DB from Mezzmo on demand. Previously you could clear
the Kodi DB on demand but the rebuild process was tied to the hourly sync.
Now you can do a total rebuild on the fly. It isn't something you will likely need
to do often but it will be handy if you need it.

v1.1.6.5 Kodi 18

• Improved clarity for the notification message when no Mezzmo sync server has
been selected.
• Extended functionality of the clear Mezzmo from Kodi database setting option
to now allow a full immediate resync of all Mezzmo data into the Kodi database.
• Modified default setting for the Auto Background Sync and Performance Logging
from disabled to enabled.
• Fixed obscure bug that could prevent setting the Mezzmo sync server if any UPnP
server responded without proper manufacturer information.

v2.1.6.5 Kodi 19+

• Improved clarity for the notification message when no Mezzmo sync server has
been selected.
• Extended functionality of the clear Mezzmo from Kodi database setting option
to now allow a full immediate resync of all Mezzmo data into the Kodi database.
• Modified default setting for the Auto Background Sync and Performance Logging
from disabled to enabled.
• Fixed obscure bug that could prevent setting the Mezzmo sync server if any UPnP
server responded without proper manufacturer information.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.5 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate to sync the Kodi database with Mezzmo.  This is a record by record process which
keeps the Kodi DB in pristine condition vs. a database file level backup.  It also automatically handles
removing deleted Mezzmo media library content from the Kodi DB.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
A new proposed feature called Kodi Selective Sync has been added to the Proposed New Features Wiki page.

Brief Description:

The Mezzmo Kodi addon currently is an all or nothing solution (for syncing your library between Mezzmo and Kodi) except for parental controls. Even with parental controls it becomes an all or nothing per device so if you wanted to run multiple profiles in Kodi, each with a different view of your Mezzmo library in Kodi, that currently isn't supported by the addon or some other external sync solutions.  Selective sharing of your library by Kodi device in GUI mode is currently supported.

What this proposal may provide is up to 4 different user selectable, fully customizable, sync profiles for your Kodi instances. These can be shared across Kodi instances and tied to your Kodi profiles.  See here for more details on how this proposed might work.  This feature would provide centralized control of what each Kodi device and/or profile would see from your Mezzmo library in Kodi in native mode operation.  Now from one place you could quickly change profile content on the fly and not need to touch each Kodi instance to edit what each sees from Mezzmo.  This central control has always been available for parental controls but not multiple selective sharing profiles of the library content to individual Kodi devices.

Feedback is welcome.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.6) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.6) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
couple of bugs fixes and a major new enhancement Mezzmo Selective Sync.
This feature is pretty unique for Kodi syncing solutions and provides up to
5 custom views of your Mezzmo database for Kodi. Now you can create
distinct views of your Mezzmo library across Kodi profiles or Kodi devices,
all being managed centrally.

v1.1.6.6 Kodi 18

• Fixed issue where manual Full Sync completion notification message would not
appear and sync logs improperly indicated 0 records processed if the Mezzmo
database contained less than 1000 records.
• Added progress indicator dialog box when manually clearing the Mezzmo data
in the Kodi database.
• Fixed issue where Kodi might hang when running multiple profiles and logging
out of a profile.
• Added new Mezzmo Selective Sync feature where you can select up to 5 options
to do full or partial synchronization of your Mezzmo library to Kodi. This
will allow up to 5 profiles on a Kodi instance each with its own specific
user definable view of your Mezzmo library.

v2.1.6.6 Kodi 19+

• Fixed issue where manual Full Sync completion notification message would not
appear and sync logs improperly indicated 0 records processed if the Mezzmo
database contained less than 1000 records.
• Added progress indicator dialog box when manually clearing the Mezzmo data
in the Kodi database.
• Fixed issue where Kodi might hang when running multiple profiles and logging
out of a profile.
• Added new Mezzmo Selective Sync feature where you can select up to 5 options
to do full or partial synchronization of your Mezzmo library to Kodi. This
will allow up to 5 profiles on a Kodi instance each with its own specific
user definable view of your Mezzmo library.
• Kodi version 20 Nexus Alpha 3 tested and supported

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.6 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate with updates for the new selective sync capability.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.7) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.7) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
new feature called Prefer Local Trailers and a few minor fixes.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue.

v1.1.6.7 Kodi 18

• New feature, Prefer Local Trailers, added which allows only syncing local
trailers to the Kodi DB when found or otherwise it will sync You Tube
trailers if no local trailers are found. This allows You Tube trailers
for the Mezzmo web interface and local trailers for all other clients
with Kodi getting the higher quality local trailers.
• Added the ability to export the Addon movie trailers table including all
trailers, associated movies, trailer order and whether local or You Tube.
• Changed Full Sync completion message from OK dialog box to Kodi notification
to eliminate manual intervention being required for process to complete.
• Corrected log message showing the wrong number of Mezzmo records synchronized
to Kodi if user aborts a Full Sync request prior to completion.

v2.1.6.7 Kodi 19+

• New feature, Prefer Local Trailers, added which allows only syncing local
trailers to the Kodi DB when found or otherwise it will sync You Tube
trailers if no local trailers are found. This allows You Tube trailers
for the Mezzmo web interface and local trailers for all other clients
with Kodi getting the higher quality local trailers.
• Added the ability to export the Addon movie trailers table including all
trailers, associated movies, trailer order and whether local or You Tube.
• Changed Full Sync completion message from OK dialog box to Kodi notification
to eliminate manual intervention being required for process to complete.
• Corrected log message showing the wrong number of Mezzmo records synchronized
to Kodi if user aborts a Full Sync request prior to completion.
• Fixed issue where a few fields in a couple of tables of the CSV database
export utility would be UTF-8 encoded vs. plain text.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.7 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate with updates for the new selective sync capability.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.8) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.8) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
couple of minor enhancements and fixes.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue.

v1.1.6.8 Kodi 18

• Eliminated duplicate code for Kodi skin view settings and mapping.
• Fixed an issue which could cause the Mezzmo Kodi addon to exit after
multiple repetitive Mezzmo searches.
• Added additional tables and views to the CSV export utility, including
the Kodi music database.
• Changed view mode default settings for the Estuary skin from List to
WideList since List isn't valid for all views.

v2.1.6.8 Kodi 19+

• Eliminated duplicate code for Kodi skin view settings and mapping.
• Fixed an issue which could cause the Mezzmo Kodi addon to exit after
multiple repetitive Mezzmo searches.
• Added additional tables and views to the CSV export utility, including
the Kodi music database.
• Changed view mode default settings for the Estuary skin from List to
WideList since List isn't valid for all views.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.8 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate with updates for the new selective sync capability.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.6.9) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.6.9) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
couple of minor fixes and a major new enhancement where you can select whether
the Mezzmo music video category is synchronized with Kodi as movies or music
videos. The default is movies, which aligns to previous behavior. Note that this
only applies if you are using the Mezzmo Kodi addon in native mode and that a
resync is needed for the change to appear. Also note that not all Kodi skins
support the Music Video category.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue.

v1.1.6.9 Kodi 18

• Added option to treat music videos as either movies or music videos in
Kodi native mode operation. The default is movies which is consistent
with earlier versions.
• Fixed bookmark issue in native mode where Kodi bookmarks may not get
updated properly if multiple movies had names which were almost identical
• Improved detection of codec changes during hourly sync process. It was
possible for certain codec changes to occur and not get detected until
the daily sync process.

v2.1.6.9 Kodi 19+

• Added option to treat music videos as either movies or music videos in
Kodi native mode operation. The default is movies which is consistent
with earlier versions.
• Fixed bookmark issue in native mode where Kodi bookmarks may not get
updated properly if multiple movies had names which were almost identical
• Improved detection of codec changes during hourly sync process. It was
possible for certain codec changes to occur and not get detected until
the daily sync process.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.6.9 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate with updates for the new selective sync capability.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.0) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.0) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
number of minor fixes found through extensive testing after the change to support
music video handling. That release had a significant amount of code change to
support the new media type. During that testing I found some code complexities
around the context menu handling for bookmark / resume points and playcount
setting. The next release will likely take some time to simplify this code and
will make future additions of new media types to synchronize between Mezzmo
and Kodi (i.e. music etc..) much simpler.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.0 Kodi 18

• Fixed minor bug introduced in where extra file Kodi table entries
could be created if the new music video option was default but some videos
were categorized as music videos.
• Fixed very obscure old bug where all search results might not display if
real time updates were enabled and the Kodi database was not fully in sync
with Mezzmo.
• Added resetting of Kodi DB clean flag upon addon restart
• Removed minor 3 second delay on manual Kodi DB cleaning

v2.1.7.0 Kodi 19+

• Fixed minor bug introduced in where extra file Kodi table entries
could be created if the new music video option was default but some videos
were categorized as music videos.
• Fixed very obscure old bug where all search results might not display if
real time updates were enabled and the Kodi database was not fully in sync
with Mezzmo.
• Added resetting of Kodi DB clean flag upon addon restart
• Removed minor 3 second delay on manual Kodi DB cleaning
• Fixed issue where the Details context menu item didn't always work properly
when doing a Mezzmo Search in GUI mode.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.0 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that a new section has been added to the Wiki page which further explains how the various sync
processes operate with updates for the new selective sync capability.  In the near future I'll be adding some
sections on how simple Kodi upgrades are with the Mezzmo Kodi addon (including from Kodi 18 to 19) as
well as very easy ways to handle a number of other common tasks like expanding storage, changing drive
letters / paths and similar. 

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.1) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.1) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
some new features and minor fixes. The new features are around improving the
user friendliness when performing Mezzmo searches using Kodi native mode. The
fixes involved a significant rewrite and reduced complexity of the code which
detects and matches the Mezzmo media category types to the corresponding Kodi
supported media categories. This will allow easier addition of new future Kodi
categories and support for Mezzmo to Kodi music synchronization in the future.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.1 Kodi 18

• Added Kodi home option to native mode Mezzmo searches
• Added option to perform additional search to native and GUI mode searches
• Fixed issue introduced in v1.1.7.0 where if a musicvideo and a movie both
had the exact same name and the new musicvideo category feature was being
used, the wrong bookmark and playcounts might be set.
• Simplified category matching code for Kodi playcounts and bookmarks to
support additional category types in the future, should Kodi ever add any.
• Improved native mode Mezzmo search friendliness so that when no matches are
found the addon returns to the Kodi native mode home screen vs. the GUI mode
UPnP server listing screen.

v2.1.7.1 Kodi 19+

• Added Kodi home option to native mode Mezzmo searches
• Added option to perform additional search to native and GUI mode searches
• Fixed issue introduced in v2.1.7.0 where if a musicvideo and a movie both
had the exact same name and the new musicvideo category feature was being
used, the wrong bookmark and playcounts might be set.
• Simplified category matching code for Kodi playcounts and bookmarks to
support additional category types in the future, should Kodi ever add any.
• Improved native mode Mezzmo search friendliness so that when no matches are
found the addon returns to the Kodi native mode home screen vs. the GUI mode
UPnP server listing screen.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.1 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that some new updates have been added to the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki including:

• How to easily manage Kodi upgrades with Mezzmo
Managing your storage including easily adding capacity, replacing hard drives etc..
• Easily moving library media between drives, paths and storage without rescraping media or SQL tools.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
It's been a few years since I've run a stress test on Mezzmo with the Mezzmo Kodi addon and multiple versions of Kodi.  A lot has changed since the last test including many more 4K content, more video codecs and some different Kodi client hardware. 

I've added a Performance page to the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki to see the results.  

In this stress test I had 6 Kodi clients streaming 3 4K UHD and 3 1080P streams with a 10TB disk copy running in the background on the server.  4 of the clients were wired Ethernet and 2 were connected via wireless.  Clients were a mix of Kodi 18, 19 and 20, running on OSMC, LibnreElec and Windows.  The server registered over 300mbps of streaming.  All clients played their respective content flawlessly with no skips, delays or similar.  

This adds proof that done properly UPnP / DLNA can scale well, has high performance, s stable under load and integrates nicely with Kodi. 


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.2) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.2) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
bug fix introduced in the last releases which impacted saving bookmarks / resume
points and a new feature which will make it easier t manage UPnP server which are
no longer responding or have been removed from your network.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.2 Kodi 18

• Fixed bug introduced in v1.1.7.1 causing playcounts and bookmarks to not
always update properly during playback or when reaching the end of the file.
• Added user option to allow removing a UPnP server from known server list
if it is no longer responding.

v2.1.7.2 Kodi 19+

• Fixed bug introduced in v2.1.7.1 causing playcounts and bookmarks to not
always update properly during playback or when reaching the end of the file.
• Added user option to allow removing a UPnP server from known server list
if it is no longer responding.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.2 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Note that some new updates have been added to the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki including:

• How to easily manage Kodi upgrades with Mezzmo
Managing your storage including easily adding capacity, replacing hard drives etc..
• Easily moving library media between drives, paths and storage without rescraping media or SQL tools.
• A new Mezzmo performance stress test streaming 4K and 1080P videos to 6 Kodi clients at over 300mbps

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Welcome to 2023 and I hope everyone had a Happy New Year

Looking back over 2022 the Mezzmo Kodi addon had 31 software releases adding a significant amount of functionality and addressing a number of bug fixes.  The complete set of release notes can be found here.  For 2023 I am planning fewer releases, since much of the 2022 development was targeted at getting Kodi native mode functionality as close to being on par as possible with GUI mode operation.  I've started planning the 2023 development and have added the Q1 targets to the Proposed New Features page.  The next release will likely not be until sometime towards mid to late February because I will be on vacation for a bit in mid-January. 

Here are my current plans for feature timing:

Q1 2023

•  Full Kodi 21 Nexus support
•  Standardize the context menus look and feel for individual library items between native mode and GUI mode operation. 
•  Fast Sync - The fast sync proposal would reduce the new content and bookmark / resume pointer sync time for Kodi native mode to 60 seconds or less.
•  Mezzmo Movie Set - Mezzmo and the Mezzmo Kodi addon already fully support movie sets automatically but this proposal adds a content menu item for movie sets (if the current movie you select or position on is part of a movie set) and then if you click on Mezzmo Movie Set all of the movies in the set will be quickly displayed.
•  Mezzmo Movie Versions - Movie versions are where you want to have multiple versions of the same movie but the versions are unique but grouped. Examples could be different formats (i.e. 1090P, 4K, etc), different cuts (i.e. theatrical, director's etc..) or different years / versions of the same movie. Other UPnP and non-UPnP solutions often require complicated naming or file layout structures. The Mezzmo proposed solution would simply need a Mezzmo keyword like ##version or similar added to the movies. Using keywords / Kodi tags would avoid having to rename files, create special file structure layouts or similar.

Q2 2023

•  Begin exploring syncing the Mezzmo music library with Kodi.  This will likely be a series of releases, each adding functionality and may stretch into Q3.  My current thinking is to only leverage a background sync process and not provide a real time browsing sync with the Kodi database.  This will greatly simplify things and speed up development.   There are a number of differences in the current Kodi music database structure vs. the video database which will need to be sorted out and functionality decisions made (i.e. bookmark / resume points only available for audiobooks,  duplicate detection may not be possible or significantly reduced and similar).  More to come as this feature gets closer.

Q3 and Q4 planning will be based upon new feature requests, Kodi development (especially potential upcoming changes in the music database) and dependent upon how the Q1 and Q2 planned development progresses.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
In addition to my post yesterday regarding upcoming development activities for the Mezzmo Kodi addon, I've had some time to investigate a couple of additional Kodi native integration items which I have never addressed.  First, the Kodi In Progress feature for TV Shows to indicate how many you have watched vs. remaining to be watched has never worked properly.  Bookmarks / resume pointers, individual episode play counters and similar all have worked fine.    After a bit of investigation I have found the root cause which is due to a difference between how Mezzmo and Kodi treat a TV episode where the it has never been watched.  Mezzmo treats it as 0 but Kodi treats it as NULL.  I personally prefer 0 vs. NULL.  I have some initial code which fixes this but need more time for testing so as not to break any context menu items and similar functionality.  Second, the TV Show series descriptions have never shown up in Kodi from Mezzmo.  Again individual episodes are fine.   This is a fairly simple fix to sync the TV Show series descriptions to Kodi.  In GUI mode operation both of these items work properly.

I am targeting both of these fixes for the next release of the Mezzmo Kodi addon, which will be around the end of January, since I am heading out on vacation next week and don't want to cause any potential issues for folks while I am away.  


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
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