Update: If you update to the newest version and are using a
nightly development build of Nexus from 2022-Oct-03 or later, I have now implemented a trailer autoplay feature using the new skintimers functionality. You have to enable this in Skin Settings > Extras and then also you have a quick enable/disable in the views menu. The reason I added this extra layer is because I cannot tell yet if having autoplay trailers adds some dynamism to the skin or is a bit annoying. Anyway, if you are on a horizontal scrolling list, you can press up/down to end playback while staying on the current item or left/right to navigate to the previous/next item. On vertical lists it's the other way around (left/right to stop playback while staying on the current item, up/down to go to the previous/next item).
It's currently enabled only in MyVideos, not for homescreen widgets. And it currently works only on List/Billboard/Showcase/Strip. On the first two, everything is hidden during playback, on the last 2, the details remain.
I would love any feedback from anyone if they find this good/bad - or run into any issues.
Other new features:
* Scroll by letter for sort methods that start with a letter
* Scroll by playcount, duration, rating, user rating, number of discs when the corresponding sort method is selected.
Copacetic newest version:
Alternative link:
Note - please first install this version of Embuary Helper (This is a temporary solution, I will fix things soon so this is not required) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsNBJgb3zz70g7dW9mCc...Q?e=eeVGfM
Also with this, I am nearing the end of development on Copacetic. All windows have been skinned and Nexus requirements should all be met, so I would now consider this to be
Beta. I might add PVR support in the future, but certainly not in the short term. And i don't use Kodi for games, so no idea what is required in terms of skin support there. Apart from those two areas, the only other thing I might add at some point is a custom window for global search.
Beyond that there are some minor bugs / inconsistencies to fix and I may redo the views in a couple of minor windows. At this point, I believe there shouldn't be any errors in the log caused by this skin. There are some warnings that cannot be avoided because of the way some of the views work (hidden buttons in lists, which Kodi doesn't like) but I don't believe these come with any sort of performance penalty.
The main outstanding issue from my perspective is the speed of loading the windows into memory e.g. the first time you load MyVideoNav.xml can be a bit slow. This is due I believe to the fact that the majority of the code exists outside of the standard <itemlayout> <focusedlayout> elements, so it is a bit slower for the system to get started as there's a lot more code for it to scan through. I've tried to mitigate any delays as much as possible and have rewritten a lot of the code in the past couple of months to try and make it more efficient. On a powerful Windows system, I don't see any perceptable delays, but on an Nvidia Shield Pro I see a delay of 2-3 seconds before MyVideos loads for the first time (subsequent loads are quicker once the xml is in memory) and a slight hitch when opening the video info dialog.
If anyone else is using the skin I would be interested to know how they find the speed of loading windows.
And please anyone who is interested in this skin, have a play with it and let me know if you run into any problems. On my two test configurations it seems fairly solid at this point but you never know.